12 Habits That Take Care Of The Brain And Reduce The Risk Of Dementia

Plasticity is one of the most remarkable characteristics of the brain. We can all make changes to promote well-being and thereby reduce the potential risk of cognitive decline and the onset of dementia.
12 habits that take care of the brain and reduce the risk of dementia

There are a number of habits that take care of the brain. And this, whatever our age or our lifestyle. We often neglect, almost without knowing it, these necessary changes which represent real revolutions for our well-being and, above all, for the health of the brain.

Neuroscientist David Eagleman points out in The Secret Life of the Brain that we spend our lives worried and bored, not realizing that we are extremely lucky creatures. We don’t always appreciate the sophistication of our neurological universe; the brain is one of nature’s most unique organs.

The brain contains not only what we are, but also what we can become. One of its fundamental characteristics is plasticity. We can change predetermined habits or knowledge by learning new things, and thus improve our well-being and prevent disease. Let’s dig deeper.

Habits for maintaining brain health.

12 habits that take care of the brain

Many of us associate dementias such as Alzheimer’s disease with the elderly. It is this sad disease from which our grandparents or parents suffer at 70 or 80 years old. However, we do not know that this type of neurodegenerative disease germinates in young people and at earlier ages than we think.

Subject matter experts like Dr. Lisa Mosconi, Associate Director of the Alzheimer’s Disease Prevention Clinic at Cornell University, encourage us to be proactive in curbing the onset of cognitive decline. Moreover, studies, such as the one published by The Lancet magazine in 2020, have highlighted an important point.

A group of 28 experts conducted a comprehensive research analysis. This group concluded that there is a series of lifestyle habits that can reduce the risk of developing dementia by up to 40%. So, since we all aspire to enjoy a life cycle free from the ravages of cognitive decline, let’s see what these habits are.

1. Control blood pressure, a good habit for the brain

Hypertension is a silent and deadly enemy. Not only does this condition endanger cardiovascular health, it also alters the blood flow and nutrition that reaches the brain. To do this, the following elements should be taken into account:

  • Let’s reduce the salt intake.
  • Let’s go to the doctor for regular check-ups and if necessary take medicine to regulate blood pressure.
  • Let’s keep an active life by playing sports regularly.
  • Let’s control the sources of anxiety and daily stress.

2. Do not smoke (and beware of passive smoke)

We are all very familiar with the effect of tobacco on health. However, beyond the known carcinogenic risk, we cannot neglect the effect of cigarettes on the brain. Likewise, it is not enough to quit smoking, it is important not to be exposed to the smoke of the smokers around us.

3. Stay away from alcohol for better brain health

The alcohol problem continues to be a reality that has a great impact on society. It is important to know that excessive alcohol consumption prevents the brain from generating new neurons, reduces its functionality, increases the risk of suffering from psychological disorders and also dementias.

4. The problem of cities with high pollution

Among the habits that take care of the brain, there is one that is not always easy to achieve. Living in a pollution-free environment also reduces the risk of disease and cognitive decline.

As much as possible, let’s make sure that our life is spent in a pollution-free environment. Because these harmful atmospheres have an effect on the functionality of our brain.

5. Cognitive reserve, the best investment to take care of the brain

Cognitive reserve is this neuropsychological construction that allows us to cope with brain changes related to age or to a pathology. An action as basic and simple as staying intellectually active increases this reserve quota. Neurological connections are stronger; the passage of time will then affect us much less.

Therefore, among the habits that take care of the brain, do not forget to feed your curiosity. To learn new things every day, to read, to discover, to have enriching conversations, to practice memory games or cognitive stimulation …

6. A healthy weight to enjoy a better quality of life

We know that obesity is a risk factor for more than one disease: diabetes, cardiovascular problems, cancer… However, being overweight also increases the risk of developing dementias. So do not hesitate to contact the experts (nutritionists, endocrinologists, psychologists, etc.) to achieve a healthier weight.

7. The Depression-Dementia Link: Seeking Help to Treat This Disorder

This information is important. Studies, such as those conducted at the University of Cambridge, show that there is a relationship between depression and dementia. Research shows us that those who have suffered from untreated major depression are at high risk of developing cognitive decline.

8. Beware of falls, accidents and injuries

Head injuries can cause permanent and dangerous damage to the brain. Sometimes we can suffer a fall or a blow and quickly show changes in brain function.

The biggest trigger for this type of accident trauma is a car accident. It is therefore essential to ensure its conduct.

Habits for the brain.

9. Control hearing loss

Hearing loss is not a minor problem. It is known, for example, that hearing loss is linked to depression and that it can lead to progressive isolation. These factors cause mental decline, a fact that we could easily avoid with the use of much needed hearing aids.

10. Prevent diabetes, a good habit for the brain

Diabetes increases the risk of vascular dementia. It’s important to remember that we can all prevent the development of type 2 diabetes by adopting better lifestyle habits. Reducing your sugar intake, taking care of your diet and playing sports regularly benefits our general health.

11. Exercise

We don’t need to be athletes. It is enough simply to adopt an active lifestyle in which, for example, this daily half-hour walk is not lacking. Swimming, dancing, cycling, or whatever sport best suits our needs can undoubtedly reduce the risk of dementia.

12. Keep a good social life

Among the habits that take care of the brain, there is one that should not be neglected: having good social relations. Spending time with friends sharing interesting experiences and conversations offers a dose of well-being.

Having a partner with whom to build a happy life in which there is no shortage of projects also keeps us active, happy and optimistic. All of these are seeds of well-being that relate to our mental and brain health. Don’t hesitate to put all of these tips into practice today.

Meditation and stress according to Daniel Lopez Rosetti
Our thoughts Our thoughts

According to Doctor Daniel Lopez Rosetti, meditation and stress go hand in hand. In this article, he gives us his experiences and his advice!

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