3 Easy Ways To Take Care Of Yourself

3 easy ways to take care of yourself

Taking care of yourself might not be on your priority list right now, but it should be.  You may want to but have too much to do and think about… No question of “wasting time”! Work, studies, the couple, the family… Here are obligations and responsibilities which occupy your time and which relegate you to the background. Even taking care of yourself seems selfish …

However, taking care of yourself is not only a good thing: it is also an act more than necessary.  It is not a question of carrying out a whim for no reason but of taking care of yourself, of taking care of yourself, of valuing yourself… You don’t have to do great things to achieve it. Very often, simple details bring a great dose of well-being. If you pay attention to others, if you dedicate your time to them, why not do it with yourself?

Make time to take care of yourself

Taking care of yourself means taking care of your mental, physical, and spiritual health. This is not about going on a whim or spending a huge amount of money. Let alone devote your time to things that are harmful to your health (like smoking or using a harmful substance because it makes you feel better instantly).

take care of yourself

So we offer you some small suggestions for you to take care of yourself. Carrying out these small actions will be like swallowing a capsule of happiness:  it will be a small, very healthy pleasure for your whole being. Its effects may not last long, but it will be enough to recharge you and keep you going.

Ask yourself how are you

How are you going to take care of yourself if you don’t wonder how you are doing? Scanning yourself emotionally is fundamental to knowing what you need.

You ask the people around you, don’t you? So do it with you too. Be honest with yourself. Turn off that autopilot you have become accustomed to and talk to each other to find out how you feel. This is the first step in starting to take care of yourself. It is only by knowing how you are doing that you can take certain actions to make yourself feel better.

Treat yourself to a self-massage

Self-massages are a good alternative to massages.  You can offer them to yourself at any time and, moreover, they can provide you with multiple benefits.

You can find hundreds of videos on the Internet that will teach you how to  massage different parts of your body to relieve minor tension. But be careful, if you have an injury, you should go to a specialist. Self-massage is only recommended to relieve tension and relax you.

You can also buy different devices  that will give you relief and make you feel good. You have different options, such as electronic devices to receive back or foot massages or simple accessories to complement and enhance these massages.

How about taking a real bath?

The haste and tensions of everyday life force us to cross the bathroom by flying to do our daily grooming. However, spending a little more time there also brings many benefits. In fact, we can turn it into a ritual to release all of our stress.

Fill the tub, add bath salts, oils or any other relaxing product to it and enjoy  a moment of relaxation with your favorite music or in the most complete silence. Take the opportunity to hydrate your skin and hair and anything else that would make you feel better about yourself.

This moment is not just a simple aesthetic treatment. It is a mental and spiritual scrub. To reconnect with yourself, with your needs.

bath to take care of you

Reading: an essential point

You may never have thought about it, but over the course of a day you read a lot. Working papers, emails, manuals, cooking recipes, personal development books, etc. It is for this reason  that many people do not view reading as a form of personal care. However, it is.

Reading is one of those great pleasures that helps you travel, experience another reality, transport you to another place, get to know other people…  Choose the genre of fiction you prefer and let your mind s’ fly away.

Reading allows your body and mind to rest. It helps you to let go of tensions, to see things differently, to have new experiences and, of course, to open your mind.

Don’t feel guilty for taking care of yourself

True love begins with oneself. In fact, to stop taking care of yourself in order to care for others and hoping that they will do the same for you is very selfish. Because if there is one person who knows you well, it is you.

Giving yourself a little time every day will allow you to be more available for everything around you. These small actions will recharge your batteries and you will have more energy to offer time to others. They will free you from your stress and you will be much more productive in your work or in your studies.

Taking care of yourself and making time for yourself will make you feel more satisfied and happy. So what are you waiting for?


Self-care is a sign of freedom, according to Michel Foucault
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