3 Tips To Be More Spontaneous

3 tips to be more spontaneous

Spontaneity is the ability to be natural and sincere in the way you think and act. It has nothing to do with doing or saying original or spiritual things. it simply concerns anyone who is transparent and shows himself as he is, both in his behavior and in his words. Being spontaneous is an indicator of emotional well-being.

A spontaneous person is not in the grip of appearance considerations, of pretending something that is not, nor does it have a problem recognizing his failures and shortcomings. To be spontaneous is to be natural. The person who is does not need to disguise themselves to show an improved version of themselves.

In addition, spontaneity is a great virtue that facilitates human relationships. When there are no ulterior motives or ambiguous messages, everything is always easier. Because those who are spontaneous show fluidity in all circumstances, they generate a climate of security and help to be sincere towards others, thanks to their naturalness.

It’s easy to be spontaneous if you have self-confidence and high self-esteem. On the other hand, if there are insecurities and resistance to accepting yourself, the question becomes a little more complicated, but not impossible. So, if you want to increase your spontaneity to appear natural and transparent, without any form of artifice, just read the following tips and get started.

1. Follow your intuition

You can’t be more spontaneous if you don’t learn to listen and trust your intuition. It is important to pay attention to that diffuse voice that directs you towards something or someone at certain times, without there seeming to be a reason for it. Is there another way to get to know yourself and reconnect with your naturalness?


woman from behind looking at the sun

Your intuition is a combination of perceptions, information, and past experiences. It is the first thing that comes to mind, before judgments and evaluations, accompanied by fears and false beliefs.

Even though it is not easy to listen to your intuition because you are lacking in practice, don’t give up. Try to be more confident in yourself, stop beating around the bush about what you want to do or say, and just let yourself go. However, be very careful with decisions and actions that involve significant risk. Sometimes thinking about what’s going on is also necessary.

2. Strive to step out of your comfort zone

Getting out of your comfort zone is a very positive decision that never fails and brings great benefits (even if, at first glance, you might not perceive it as such). One of them is precisely to help you become more spontaneous. The most important thing is that it will undoubtedly increase your self-confidence, which will make you believe more in yourself and, in this way, show yourself more natural.

Getting out of your comfort zone means doing things you wouldn’t normally do. Go places you don’t know, change your routine in some way, disconnect from the phone for an afternoon… Leave yourself in the unknown to leave ease behind and keep on. discover you somehow.

In addition, on the occasion of these excursions far from your comfort zone, all the activities which confront you with your fears are  particularly valuable. It’s not about bungee jumping or parachuting, it’s just about deciding to do something that you didn’t do out of fear. This could be, for example, giving your opinion openly to your group of friends, instead of waiting for everyone to speak out, and then saying something that is supposed to be better accepted. Take a chance!

3. Clear your calendar to be more spontaneous

One of the biggest restrictions on being spontaneous is having a preset and, what’s more, tight schedule. Many feel that an agenda is there to be filled. They then organize it in such a way that there is no longer a single free slot. And if there is any left, they are looking for a way to fill it as soon as possible.

man at rest

The way to spontaneity goes through a reorganization of the agenda. For this, the first thing that you must do is to always leave free moments there and above all, that these do not become on-call. Therefore, it is recommended to change the schedules of these free times and available to you every week.

Another recommendation is to think about the importance of the commitments you have planned. Is it possible to delete some of them? Could a task be delegated to someone else? Is it possible to leave a day completely free? At first you may have some trepidation, but if your intention is to be more spontaneous, it will certainly help you achieve this.

As you can see, being more spontaneous consists first of all in accepting yourself in order to listen to yourself and then taking care of yourself. So, beyond the tactics you can deploy, the most important thing is that you work to appreciate your full value as a person more and more. The rest, as they say, is wind. If you recognize your worth, most certainly, your way of acting will become more spontaneous, without you even noticing it… Don’t forget!


A child is spontaneous, loud, emotional and colorful
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