4 Ways To Promote Self-motivation In Your Children

4 ways to promote self-motivation in your children

Self-motivation is a concept that we do not always understand correctly or completely. Self-motivation is not just a way to overcome lack of interest or to act without protest or apology; Self-motivation also involves undertaking or persisting on one’s own, without anyone needing to be behind us to insist, encourage or bribe us.

In children, self-motivation to learn is naturally present until they are around 7 years old. Everything they do has the same goal of learning and discovering things (both about the world and about themselves).

However, from that age, or if there is a noticeable lack of motivation, it will of course be necessary to promote the development of self-motivation, since it is a vital skill if we want to be successful.

Even though self-motivation can only come from oneself, there are ways in which one can help your child to nurture that motivation, which will provide him with an advantage that will pay off later. Let’s see that in the rest of this article.

Children are more motivated when it comes to learning, doing things, and bonding with others if they are confident and able to do so. Trusting your children is the first step to take if they want to believe in them.


If you really want to help your child, give them the opportunity to solve their problems on their own, to find solutions to the little puzzles that come their way on a daily basis and to face new situations. If he is wrong, if he does things wrong or at least not as well as he should have or liked, it is the same thing. What is really important is that your child feels able to do this.

The over-protection of parents, continuous support, help in carrying out tasks foment the dependence of the children and, in addition to making them dependent, prevents them from believing in their abilities but also from seeking motivation for themselves. to improve.

Reward your child’s effort when they get things done instead of just acknowledging success, and that way you will increase their self-motivation. This will help your child develop the adaptive capacity to cope with failure and keep trying until he does.

Being persistent is an emotional type ability that is essential if you want to achieve success in all areas. Teach your child to accept that sometimes they will fail, and show them that losing or failing is an opportunity to improve and learn.

We all have an interest in something concrete, and so do children. Even if his interests do not coincide with your expectations or your own interests, you must instigate this in the child.


However, do not manipulate him by trying to make him like what you think would suit him best. What you need to do is help him freely seek out what he is passionate about. This will give him an internal motor that will keep him in him illusion, activity and joy. Not only will he be able to do what he pleases the most, but he will also be able to share it with those he loves the most.

If there’s one motivating element that drives us to give more of ourselves, it’s savoring success. Success is addictive. It shows us that we are capable, that we can do things, that we can go beyond our limits and that we can be better than before.

Apply the pedagogy of success with your child. Do you want him to learn to do something, to motivate himself to develop a new skill ? Show him that the more he grows, the more he is able to do things on his own, let him feel that he is achieving new things.

When your child achieves another success, celebrate it instead of comparing it to a failure he may have had, or reminding him that he still has a long way to go.


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