5 Advantages Of Solo Travel

5 advantages of solo travel

Traveling alone is one of those experiences that no one forgets. Everyone who has done it recommends it. This is a completely different type of trip from any other. In reality, you are not going to a particular place but you are traveling to know yourself.

The idea of ​​traveling alone frightens almost everyone. Especially if the plan is to go to another country or experience another culture. It’s not exactly a leap into the void, but it looks like it. No matter how much the person plans things, a lot of surprises and unforeseen events will appear.

No one has said that you only have good experiences when you travel alone. Alone or with someone, this cannot be guaranteed. However, what we find on the way has a different flavor. More intense, more constructive, more formative. You learn and grow a lot by taking your backpack and going to another place. Here are five benefits of this experience.

1. By traveling alone, you get to know yourself better

Traveling alone is a way of accelerating the knowledge that one can have of oneself. Because of course, we know each other a little more every day. But by being alone, in a different place, many facets of your personality that you completely ignored will appear.

You will see more clearly where your fears lie and where your daring lies. Sometimes you will surprise yourself. This experience should not be viewed as a challenge to your courage. To be rewarding, your best bet is to let it all flow and be yourself.

man with suitcase

2. You think and you change

Going to another place immediately gives you a different perspective. There is a sort of parenthesis in time that you can reflect on. It is possible that after having lived this experience, you will see the life from which you have moved away with a different perspective.

You will never be the same person again after this trip. Before, during and after the trip, there will be changes in the way you are. Even if you stay in another city or country and stay in your hotel staring out the window, it will transform you. And always in a positive way because now you know better where you are in your life.

3. You increase your social skills

Even if you are reserved or shy,  traveling alone will inevitably make you stand out. You will not have any intermediary who will speak for you. You will do everything on your own. Most likely, without quite knowing how, you’ll end up talking with strangers feeling completely at ease.

young woman by a train window

It is also true that locals, anywhere in the world, are more likely to talk with travelers when they are alone. If you are traveling with someone, this circle closes. Many will see this group of two or more people as a barrier to interacting. On the other hand, when you travel on your own, locals will want to talk to you more.

4. The reign of freedom

Traveling alone is an opportunity to do only what you want, how you want and when you want. If you want to get up at noon, great! If you love shopping, wonderful! No one will be there to tell you that they are tired or bored.

You can also advance at your own pace. No one is forcing you to do anything. You alone set the limits. You don’t work, you don’t have commitments, no one is there to mark boundaries. It’s an amazing opportunity to enjoy what you love the most.

5. Cut yourself off from all your problems

If you are traveling alone, you will not have anyone to remind you of this routine that you leave behind. No one will talk about your family, your job, the way you live, or any plans you have. Wherever you are, you are now a stranger. Nobody knows anything about you. People will only know what you want them to know about you.

man with backpack

Solo travel is an amazing way to cut yourself off from it all. Mostly problems. Of course, you’ll keep thinking about it, but only if you want to. And up to a point: whichever you decide. This fact of being “lost” in an unknown place is a way of (re) finding yourself.

This does not mean that the problems will go away. They will still be there when you get home, but with a little breath you will certainly see them with new eyes. You will be able to make decisions more confidently and also look for solutions. However, in order for this trip to be a positive experience, you will need to prepare for it on an emotional level.

Traveling alone is an ideal experience during those times when you want to “cut yourself off from it all”.  All those who have (or almost) do it again. So there must be a good reason, right?


Traveling makes you more creative and better
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