5 Behaviors Considered Negative, Which Are Nevertheless Healthy

5 behaviors considered negative, which are nevertheless healthy

We live in a society that dictates how we behave.

Since we were children, our family and our education system tell us how to act, what to do or what not to do, how to treat others, etc.

Ultimately, we learn a whole series of norms in order to be able to relate properly to others and be accepted by society.

If we don’t follow them, we won’t be accepted. It’s that simple.

Suppressing certain emotions in public, controlling our feelingsā€¦ we internalize all of this to follow the model of a person who has the capacity to be accepted.

What if everything we were repressing was actually good for us?

Suppressing certain emotions, such as those that cause us to cry, comes from an old human belief that it makes us appear weak and vulnerable. But, what if it doesn’t? What if we were wrong?

In the rest of this article, we will demystify behaviors that are perceived as negative, but are not.

Learn to interpret them differently and understand that you must not continue to suppress them. Are you ready to discover them?

1. Express your anger


Anger goes beyond a simple argument. When we feel angry it is because we are about to explode or have already done so.

It is a situation that is not accepted by others, who may look askance at you if you express what is on your heart.

But, is it really healthy to contain it? If you do, you’ll turn into a pressure cooker.

Sooner or later, the consequences of this pushback will overtake you and you will eventually explode in flight.

From then on, you will no longer be able to control your anger and the situation will slip out of your hands.

It is a way of acting that can be very damaging for you. Holding back your anger can give rise to feelings of rejection, rage, resentment …

Do not suppress your anger, express it and let go of this emotion which, if you suppress it, can poison you.

2. Accept that you feel lost

Who has not one day felt lost in their existence? We have all had doubts, at some point in our lives, about which path to take and what to do next.

This is quite normal, but yet we do not accept it. We are all afraid of feeling lost and this can generate great anxiety in us.

We have the impression that we are wasting time, that everything is out of our control.

But this is a mistaken view of reality. Feeling lost helps us pay more attention to what is going on around us.

Our senses are more alert when we find ourselves in such a situation, it causes us to listen more to our feelings and our deepest emotions. In no time, we will be able to find our way back.


3. Crying is not synonymous with shame

Crying is something we have learned over the years to control. When we were children, we cried all the time.

But when we reach adulthood, we think of it as immature behavior.

This is why we have learned to suppress those tears that put us in an uncomfortable situation in front of others.

We feel vulnerable and we think we come across as fragile people when we do.

However, crying is beneficial. They can allow us to free ourselves from anything that causes us pain and prevents us from moving forward.

Don’t you feel much better after you cry bitterly? Crying has a liberating power that we cannot live without.

If you feel like crying, cry. Release all your frustration, all your pain and all your emotions, to achieve the personal balance you have been waiting for.

4. Don’t listen to everything you are told

Learning to listen is eminently difficult. In fact, most people with good listening skills do not always feel listened to.

Listening to others is good, but not always. What do we mean by that?

If we do not listen to certain criticisms, we will be able to act in a way that suits us more.

Often times, we put too much emphasis on what others tell us and we lose sight of our own opinions.

Learning to listen is important, but knowing how to turn a deaf ear from time to time is at least as fundamental.

Not listening to others does not mean ignoring them or shutting ourselves in completely.

It just means that we have to be careful, that we have to know how to set certain limits and that we should never feel oppressed by the words that others may say to us.

5. You don’t have to adapt to everything


Knowing how to adapt to new situations in our life is something that is imposed on us by society.

But, if despite all our efforts, we are not able to do it, is it really serious?

We may not like our new professional environment or we may want to keep the same group of friends that we have always had, despite the constraints that life places on us.

Always look beyond what society is trying to impose on you to find the things that you really like.

You don’t have to adapt to everything that changes in your environment. This will keep you in your comfort zone, which paradoxically will become more and more uncomfortable.

You will miss opportunities and your reality will lose all its meaning over time.

Think about these 5 behaviors that seem negative, yet have a lot to offer us.

Learn to express them as you feel them, even if you absolutely have to keep them under control.

It’s all a question of measurement. What do you think of the desire we feel to be accepted into society?


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