6 Keys To Networking Correctly

Networking is a good way to find work or improve your professional conditions. It is always better to arrive on time than to be invited. Discover here some keys to manage your contacts effectively.
6 keys to networking properly

Networking or managing your contacts is very important to find work or improve your professional conditions. One way or another, we all do. However, we do it in a haphazard and spontaneous way, which is why very often it does not bring us the desired results.

To network properly, it is important to design a consistent and functional contact management model. It is not complex; it just requires a little common sense, very good organization and strategic thinking.

We do not all find ourselves in an environment in which meritocracy takes full effect. Many positions and many opportunities circulate by word of mouth… Hence the importance of networking! Here we share five strategies that will help you be more effective in this area.

1. Before networking, you need to have clear professional goals

To network appropriately, it is necessary to clearly define your professional goals. Our strategy will depend on these objectives. Try to be as specific as possible when setting these goals.

So avoid generalities. Your goal isn’t just to find work or climb the ladder. Put names to these vague terms. For example, don’t say “I want to find a job”: describe the main characteristics of the job you want to occupy. This will considerably brighten your panorama.

A woman doing networking

2. Develop your personal marketing

Both for your professional practice and for networking, it is important to design and develop your personal marketing. This translates into a presentation of your personality with an emphasis on your particularities, that is, what makes you different from others.

The question is: how do you want others to perceive you in the world of work? Obviously, we all want to be seen as the best. But we need to go beyond that urge and be more specific about what makes us strong. It has to be seen in all of the imagery we create.

3. Design your presentation elements

On social networks, the ideal is to have a professional profile and a personal profile. Your professional profile should be in line with your personal marketing and should even highlight it. Start with the photo. Don’t use poor quality or overly banal images … Let your business contacts see you what you want them to see.

It is also good to make personal cards that include your photo and contact information. Carry these cards always with you and deal them out whenever you get the chance. It is also important that your CV is crisp and very professional. Make sure you always update your profiles on different platforms, including LinkedIn.

People who network

4. Networking involves contacting professionals

It is important to accumulate professional contacts according to the objectives set. No contact is bad, we never fully know which of them can be of great help. If, for example, you are a lawyer, try to maintain a connection with all the lawyers and jurists with whom you come into contact.

It is also very important to find groups related to our professional activity. Many groups on social networks and many forums bring together professionals of the same specialty. There is also an endless number of private groups that can be very positive. Connect with all of these groups. These are generally spaces in which important information circulates that cannot be found elsewhere.

5. Do not lose contact with strategic professionals

From time to time, send a message to the contacts you consider relevant. However, try not to be too intrusive or pushy. All you need to do is send a short greeting message with some information or a concrete question. This will keep you on the radar of these contacts. Remember to praise them every time they accomplish something.

In addition, participate every week in the conversations of the groups, forums or meetings in which you are. Let others see that you are there. Your participation will attract the attention of others and allow you to strengthen your personal marketing.

6. Re-examine and re-evaluate your personal marketing

You should review and reassess your personal brand periodically. Adjust dark spots in your marketing, refresh and improve what you can improve on your profile.

In addition, look for new contacts, new groups, new tools in the sector that interests you. Attend conferences, seminars or other events related to your profession. We never know what we can get from these encounters besides new knowledge  and information.

Networking is always worthwhile. Don’t expect immediate results, even if sometimes you do. The most important thing is to create a network around you and to leave room for new synergies.


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