7 Characteristics Of Optimistic People

7 characteristics of optimistic people

Optimistic people generate well-being for themselves and for those around them. They are good at seeing the positive side of something instead of being stuck on the unhappiness. They have chosen optimism as an ally and are building their lives on it. You should know that although there are certain personality traits that favor it, being optimistic is more linked to reflection and practice.

Consequently, each one chooses, consciously or unconsciously, a point of view to look at life. Much depends on personal experiences, as well as a few relationship or personality traits, although it is also true that optimism sometimes stems from habit or lack of thinking. It is always easier to imitate and repeat than to build a personal approach.

To be optimistic, it doesn’t have to be that life is a rose garden, that we have had a dream childhood, or that we are living a wonderful reality. Seeing the best in oneself, in others and in every situation is mainly the result of a choice. The optimist is not an uninformed pessimist, but someone who has chosen to emphasize the positive.

In the face of life, it is easier to be pessimistic. No one is immune to pain or frustration, and complaining helps justify inaction and conformism. Optimistic people, on the other hand, take on the challenge of doing, growing, and improving. We will then point out some characteristic traits of an optimistic person.

Optimistic people strive for what they want

The very act of struggling to achieve a goal makes a person fill with vitality. On the other hand, anyone who has not achieved their dreams and desires tends to view life in an obscure way. If there is one thing that makes people optimistic, it is precisely the ability to set goals and strive to achieve them.

optimistic woman struggling

On the other hand, optimistic people are also realistic. This means that  they do not set goals that go far beyond their abilities or possibilities. You cannot achieve anything. If the goal is unattainable, we will go straight to frustration. Setting high goals is one thing, but trying to achieve impossible goals is another.

Where others see only failure, they see learning

Optimistic people don’t see anything as “failure”. They know mistakes exist, as well as misunderstandings, failed challenges or unfulfilled goals. But they don’t give the name of failure to any of these situations. What makes them optimistic is precisely this ability to see the positive side of things, the other side of money.

There is no great human conquest that has not been preceded by difficulties and mistakes. Great success is built on correcting mistakes, filling voids, and overcoming deficiencies. Behind every mistake there is a lesson. And behind every teaching, there is an evolution. Optimistic people know that the only failure is when you stop trying.

They are honest with themselves

Being honest with yourself means giving up justifications and pretexts. An attitude that, on the one hand, requires courage, because it involves not hiding but rather looking life in the eye and, on the other hand, demands great sincerity towards oneself.

key and lock on the heart

Optimistic people are not afraid to admit their mistakes; on the contrary, they are open when it is necessary to recognize them. They avoid blaming others when they are wrong and have enough self-confidence to know that they are not always right. This attitude makes them stronger, instead of weakening them, because they know that if they admit their mistakes, they take one step closer to improvement.

They never compare to others

Systematically comparing yourself to others only leads to distorting the thought and poisoning the heart. We are incomparable. There is no way to measure whether someone is better or worse in human terms.  A prisoner might have a bigger heart than a director, but less ability to achieve his goals. It is not measurable.

True optimism arises on one specific basis: understanding reality. No one is worth more or less than another human being, for any comparison is absolutely arbitrary. Those who always want to measure themselves in front of others do so for lack of autonomy and independence. We are the only ones who know if we live as we want and as we should. Others may or may not agree, but in the end it doesn’t matter.

Optimistic people motivate themselves

Motivation consists of “setting in motion” despite obstacles. It is equivalent to propelling oneself to keep moving forward, according to a goal or an objective. Optimistic people know that this strength to keep fighting comes mostly from themselves. This is because  they don’t do things with attention to the approval or disapproval of others – they do them out of conviction.

whales and ice

A person motivates himself when he finds reasons and feeds on them to do what he is doing. Conviction gives strength to continue. If she knows that the reasons for continuing the struggle are deeply important, it is possible for her to move forward without paying too much attention to the difficulties. The optimist is therefore convinced of what he is doing.

They accept others as they are

We treat others the same way we treat ourselves. When someone accepts himself, it is easy for him to accept others. On the other hand, if that person has trouble valuing or feeling self-esteem, they will normally project all of this internal conflict onto others. This is when others will become objects of constant criticism.

To be optimistic, you need to have a good self-image. This does not mean being egocentric, but being aware of your own worth. This is why optimistic people easily accept and value others. They know that all human beings are part of the same story, that everyone has their place and a meaning in this great adventure. Moreover, they do not forget that solidarity helps to see the present with more confidence.

They cultivate themselves

optimistic woman who cultivates herself

 No one can be truly optimistic without working with their own internal being. It involves knowing yourself, forgiving your mistakes and giving your successes the value they deserve. Each person constitutes their own work. To work for this work and to feel proud to move forward, this is truly to be optimistic about life.


Optimistic people need to cry too
Our thoughts Our thoughts

Those who illuminate others with their smiles, their frankness and their joys also need to vent and cry.


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