5 Ways To Love Ourselves

5 ways to love ourselves

The secret to being able to love others is to love ourselves first, even though we often tend to forget that.

If we don’t love each other, we won’t be able to establish healthy relationships because it is quite impossible to offer others what we lack in ourselves.

Now, what does loving yourself imply? To love yourself is to be attentive to our vital needs, to accept yourself as you are, to respect yourself , to be honest and to show yourself in our best light. Easy, isn’t it?

Even if it seems simple, we do not always succeed in achieving this goal, which is why, in this article, we present you 5 essential points that can allow you to learn to love yourself.

It is a learning which will take time, of course, but the results of which will be very satisfying for you as well as for your relations with others.

“Loving yourself is the start of an eternal love story”

-Oscar Wilde-

1. Dare to be yourself

In your eyes, many people have two faces : a face that they show when they are at home (with family), and another that they present to outsiders (friends, neighbors, strangers).

It seems they don’t dare to be themselves and instead try to be what others want them to be.

To love oneself supposes, necessarily, to leave aside appearances as well as all the external influences which can direct our way of being. No matter the field, show yourself for who you are and you will feel so much better.


Striving to please others is too great a sacrifice that can lead you down the path of stress and anxiety.

Be positive in the way you are and don’t underestimate yourself. Tell yourself that you just have to be yourself, and that’s very easy!

2. Live unique experiences

If we watch life go by and find ourselves overwhelmed day after day in the same routine, we cannot succeed in feeling a type of emotion or adrenaline that invites us to live unique experiences.

Gradually, we will become apathetic and gray people who have no desire to do anything that would deviate from their daily habits.

Loving yourself also implies that it is our responsibility to take the reins of life to avoid seeing it pass before our eyes as if it didn’t mean anything. Are you really going to waste the precious time you have?

For example, you are afraid to quit this job which does not motivate you and which does not bring you anything, because the money is always lacking.

Take risks and go crazy! Whatever you do will be successful if you really start making decisions that get you out of a situation you don’t like.

3. Develop your potential

Many people enjoy certain activities that may be related to sports or music, among others. But if they don’t engage in these kinds of activities and devote some of their time to these hobbies , they probably won’t be able to take advantage of them or develop their full potential.


We all have something that we like and, even if it isn’t, there will always be a different activity that we enjoy doing, that we want to try or that takes us out a bit. of this dynamic of work and obligations in which we see ourselves immersed.

“Loving yourself has at least one advantage: there aren’t many rivals”

-Georg Christoph Lichtenberg-

Imagine that you want to take a painting class because it relaxes you and you would like to perfect your techniques, but for some reason you don’t dare, and you end up backing down. Do not do it ! There is a phrase that says “don’t put off until tomorrow what you can do today”. Perhaps in the future you will regret not having done so, so go for it!

4. Complain less

In order to love ourselves, leaving aside the victimization will be essential. Sometimes, we see ourselves submerged in this spiral of complaints that prevent us from moving forward because instead of acting, we complain.

Complaints won’t do you any good, and most importantly, they’ll prevent you from profiting.

We must always see the positive side to everything that happens to us, because it helps us! We can learn, we can take ideas and we will move forward to where we want.

Think about a time when you saw yourself in a situation and complained. Did you solve something? Was everything better then? Surely not. Take advantage and instead of complaining, adopt an attitude of acceptance and optimism.

5. Open your mindset and free yourself

Often, we find ourselves living in a bubble from which we cannot escape. This bubble protects us, but at the same time, it limits us and prevents us from having new adventures.

Sometimes all of this prevents us from connecting with new people and discovering things that we might be passionate about.

People with closed minds are like a dead end  ; whether they advance or retreat, there is a moment when they cannot go any further.

They are unaware that these corridors are creations of their minds. They become attached to themselves and prevent themselves from breaking free and experiencing new things.

Sometimes, when we live in a bubble, it’s because our fears are too present.

The terror of facing them pushes us to close in on ourselves. To love ourselves, we must learn to face them, and overcoming them will be essential.

My happiness depends only on one person, and that person is me

Do you love yourself? Have you loved someone without loving yourself before?

Is it risky to dare to establish a relationship if, beforehand, we have not learned to respect ourselves, to value ourselves and to be honest with ourselves as well as with others?

To build healthy relationships with others, first, you need to focus on yourself and create a healthy relationship with yourself. Only then can you begin to love other people in a sincere and real way.

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