Learn To Offer Your Absence To Those Who Do Not Know How To Value Your Presence

Learn to offer your absence to those who do not know how to value your presence

Usually, we don’t profit enough and we push back the possibilities we have of being with those who are dear to us.

This “carelessness” is sometimes complicated when people who appreciate us end up rejecting us.

Situations like this are very painful and that is why we must stop turning our backs and start right now to remedy this situation.

It can really get out of hand sometimes, so the best attitude we can take is to protect ourselves from these kinds of relationships that end up deteriorating and reducing our self-esteem and emotional health.


We only realize the importance of something when we lose it

The title of this part is not only a well-known quote, but it is also a reality. We have this bad habit of not valuing the present enough enough and highlighting what we have not enjoyed, once we have lost it.

When we are in pain because someone ignores us, we do not realize that it is actually a reflection of our personal worth and that most likely that person is not interested in us because that she’s used to seeing us every day.

Sometimes, unfortunately, couples break these kinds of vicious circles by breaking up and ending their relationship. However, over time, they realize that they miss each other.

Either way, there’s no point fighting through thick and thin for someone who won’t even move a finger for you.

There’s also no point in continually helping someone who has no interest in your happiness at all.

We cannot dedicate ourselves to others and forget about ourselves, because the only gratitude no one can live without is the gratitude we feel for ourselves. It is the pillar of self-esteem, and the glue of our personal development.


The power to get away from complicated things for our health

It may be difficult at first, but the effort is worth it when it comes to avoiding emotional deterioration.

Sometimes the only solution is to leave, to offer these people our absence. If we choose this choice, it is possible that we start an internal struggle between hoping for these people to return or resetting our life permanently.

Both attitudes are painful in the short term, but without hesitation, living with yourself is the most desirable.


It is likely that in these kinds of situations we still have a lot to say. The pain, the blame, and all of our emotions cannot stay nicely inside.

We need to exteriorize them in some way, whether it’s imagining that we have the person in front of us, tearing up memories, or hitting pillows.

A good option is to write a letter to that person you disappointed with, explaining your reasons for leaving, and how you felt around them.

Once the feelings and emotions of the moment are inked on the paper, your best bet is to destroy that letter and symbolically break free from those feelings.

Release your pain and forgive

Saying goodbye to suffering is the only thing to do so that our body does not become the grave of our soul.

Behind our irritation, our rage and the anger at our helplessness at the fact of being so little valued, hide a great sadness and a feeling of infinite humiliation.

For this reason, we have to work on our disappointment and on those hard knocks in life. So now will be the time to leave everything behind.

Never forget that these are common situations that hold within them the possibility of growing and breaking free.

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