Wisdom Is Knowing How To Ignore What Is Not Worth It

Wisdom is knowing how to ignore what is not worth it

Our brain sets up a curious mechanism every night, which allows us to ignore some of the information we have learned during the day. 

Thanks to the lymphatic system, we eliminate toxins that could cause us neurodegenerative problems.

At the same time, while we sleep, we eliminate some of the information we don’t need, while incorporating and categorizing what we think is important.

Our brain, as you can see, acts like a near-perfect precision machine, capable of removing internal structures and processes that it does not deem useful, or even that could be dangerous.

However, when we open our eyes in the morning and regain consciousness, we are not always able to ignore everything that is not worth it.

It is not easy to ignore certain things, certain people, certain situations. We sometimes find it hard to imagine that something can hurt us.

We do not have an infallible radar or a systematic red flag. We trust and we very often let ourselves be carried away by events.

We also have to take into account that the things we should ignore are not necessarily just around us.

We must also learn to eliminate this internal noise, these obsessive thoughts, these fears, these doubts and this anxiety that sometimes assail us. We need to recognize these inner enemies to better deactivate them.

For all these reasons, we invite you to reflect with us on this subject. Because it is good to know how to leave behind us, on certain occasions, all the things which do not enrich us, which do not motivate us and which, on the contrary, put obstacles in the wheels of our personal development.

How to learn to ignore everything that doesn’t make you happy


Think about this question for a few moments: What is it that really makes you happy?

You might be surprised, but some people come to such extremes in their personal lives that they have no idea what it’s like to be happy. This is a much more common situation than we think.

Sometimes we don’t dare, other times we are afraid of hurting others, of disappointing them. However, it is important to take into account that to ignore is also to respond intelligently.

Not giving importance to those who do not deserve it is to deactivate something that is hurting us.

At certain times of our life, without really knowing how, we lose this internal tranquility which characterized us before. 

It is possible that it is because of certain people, certain relationships, or certain situations, professional pressures or demands that we place on ourselves.

We lose the rhythm of our own existence. Staying in this situation for too long can quickly plunge us into a depressed state, into a sense of helplessness so great that our lives seem out of control. Never allow it.

Learn to ignore, turn off, and release the burdens on your shoulders to walk more lightly on your personal development path.

Keep in mind everything that matters to you

Never lose the beat. Do not lose sight of your roots, and everything that defines you, because everything that moves you, everything that makes you smile and accelerates your heart, is part of you. And happiness is what gives meaning to our existence.

If you do not feel it, if you no longer have passion in your daily life, we invite you to think about the following things:

  • Remove the layers of your shell, one by one. You’ve spent too much time living a life that’s not yours. Do an internal exercise, an introspection, to discover your true nature and become again the person that you really are.
  • Remember your values. Not long ago, courage, respect for yourself and others were things that defined you. Say it out loud, take back control of your life.

Happiness is not found in things, but in the elementary sensations which are inscribed in the simplest gestures. If you are not able to appreciate all these little moments, there are certain decisions that you need to make to change your life.


Practice the art of courageous wisdom, the wisdom that knows how to ignore

It’s not simple. Ignoring what does not promote our personal development sometimes requires severing certain ties. And even to rethink some of our attitudes. To figure all this out, you’re going to need a fair amount of courage.

If you are a fragile person, you will seek revenge for your failures. If you are strong you will have the capacity to forgive. But if you are wise, you will completely ignore what is of little importance to you, in order to live better and enjoy your daily life.

We must keep in mind that ignoring is not a mark of weakness, that it does not require less courage than facing certain situations. Sometimes it’s better to ignore and not give importance to something that shouldn’t be in your life.

  • Ignore contempt. Others are out of your place, they cannot define you or underestimate all of the things that make up your life. Walk lightly and ignore these negative waves.
  • Ignore selfish people, those who are not as they appear to be and who only bring shadows on sunny days. Have the courage to say goodbye to them to resume your path to happiness.
  • Ignore the fears that build walls around your dreams. All of those negative attitudes that keep you from jumping on the bandwagon are limiting you. Turn off those thoughts and don’t slow down the pace of projects that make you feel alive.

Images by Louise Robinson


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