Your Relationships Are A Reflection Of You

Your relationships are a reflection of you

The world of human relations interests us and affects us irreparably. We cannot be indifferent to this fact.

We gradually learn to discover who we are through the eyes of others, and each person we meet in our lifetime can give us different things.

Are you open to the possibility that each person can add something important to your life? Depending on our degree of openness, this will be more or less certain.

However, the important thing is to recognize that each person has this potential in our life, just as we have in the lives of others. It is up to everyone to be aware of this possibility and take advantage of it.

Relationships as a learning opportunity

Every relationship we have is potentially important. Each meeting that we do can make us discover a lot of things about ourselves.

Whether it is our relationships as a couple, family, friends, sporadic relationships or between work colleagues, any type of relationship can have an impact on us.

Each relationship becomes an opportunity to check our way of reacting to each person: our way of communicating, what we feel, what bothers us, what behaviors we like or cause hatred and anger, etc.

Often all of our relationships have to do with us, in an unconscious way that we do not know or even sometimes that we reject.

girls walk

When we focus on the other person about how we are feeling, we lose a valuable perspective, in which it is not the other person who is causing this emotion, but we who have had this emotion. reaction to his behavior.

Responding in this way involves being more aware that it is not the other person who is causing the anger, embarrassment, or sadness in you. It is also not the source of happiness, joy or enthusiasm.

All emotions, whether pleasant or not, are generated by you, through the bond. These are responses you give in relation to your experience and your belief system.

The relationship as a reflection of oneself

There are many feelings, desires, intentions; which for certain reasons make us ashamed and which we reject completely.

These are a part of us that we are unwilling to see and to defend ourselves we use projection. We project onto other people what we are not ready to see in ourselves.

We have emotional reactions that activate projection and they can be both positive and negative.

In positive reactions, you reflect on the other person a part of you that you love, value you, appreciate, and that you are not aware of.

In negative reactions, you are reflecting something that you censor, a part of yourself that you don’t like, doing everything you can not to have to acknowledge it, which involves internal conflict interfering in relationships.

What is interesting about being able to recognize our projections is to see how our attitudes and impressions towards people and the world around us are essentially the rejected ideas that we harbor within.

woman looking at a mask

Relationships that last say a lot about you

When we least expect it, there may be someone offering us lots of love, wonderful company, and important learning.

We become demanding, hoping it will come to us from the outside, but this is an internal matter. Anything that is meaningful to our lives appears when we are willing to welcome it.

No one can offer us integrity, strength of character and stability, and it would not be fair to place this responsibility on the backs of others.

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