Just Because You Miss Someone Doesn’t Mean You Want Them Back

Just because you miss someone doesn't mean you want them to come back

You may miss someone. You can also feel nostalgia thinking about everything you have been through with a loved one, or you can wish these memories to repeat themselves, want to feel these emotions again and ask yourself several questions: why all this has- did it come to an end? Could things have happened any other way? What would have happened if …? Even so, that nostalgia doesn’t have to mean that you want the person responsible for the feeling back.

This feeling of lack can be complicated, and it can also be accompanied by a touch of pain: we especially remember with nostalgia much of what we find in this mental journey to the past. However, there has been a reason for this and keeping your distance helps you not be tempted to come back. Because deep down, you don’t want to.

It will either be the person we will miss or the story we went through with them. It changes the meaning of memory a lot. Sometimes we don’t want the person to come back just for history to repeat itself, and it doesn’t have to be with the same person. The story and  the feelings we have experienced may be partially repeated, perhaps with another travel companion.

man who thinks of someone he misses

Some people come into our lives for a limited time, they give us good and bad things, and the journey we take with them then ends. When we miss a person, we must remember that history has two sides, it will remain present in our heart  and it is because of this that we can continue to enjoy the sweet flavor of these special moments.

Someone who’s gone never really comes back

This is where the difference between nostalgia for the person and nostalgia for memories takes on its full meaning. When stories end, they end, and even if we want to relive the same thing with the same person, everything will be different  because people evolve, grow, develop and you can never go back to the same point.

Starting over with someone you already know, with whom you already have a bit of a past in common, or with whom you are trying to repeat times already lived in another time will involve starting from a different point. So it may mean that you won’t experience or feel the same way again.

woman who remembers someone

Let us leave the memories we have stored in their place, savor the good taste they left us,  allow ourselves to smell them once again when we close our eyes, when they sometimes fill with tears thinking that the no one is here anymore, but let’s be happy that they happened and they are still ingrained in us, one way or another.

We are each of our memories and that is why we must live them in this way; when you feel nostalgia allow yourself to feel it, but if it is to hurt you, put it aside, don’t try to repeat or force something that is no longer there . You might miss someone, yes, but that might not mean you want them back.

Feeling nostalgic means filling your moments with memories

To feel nostalgia is that, it is to be full of memories, of moments, of adventures, of stories, it is to be full of life but it is also to be full of past life. Getting stuck there wouldn’t be a good thing. We have our past, our nostalgia, but in front of us we still have a lot to experience that will fill our memory.

woman who remembers

Let’s put an end to it if it’s our decision and get out of this nostalgia, stop filling ourselves with the past and open our eyes to everything that awaits us; the people who have been there will still be there, etched in our memories and in our emotions, but the people who are waiting to be able to start walking a bit with us are just hoping that we open our arms to them.

Being courageous also involves having confidence again, to continue to feel this nostalgia but to dare to live experiences and to know new people,  to give a chance to others so that they fill the voids that we have. we feel today because of this nostalgia, but above all to people who just fill us up and continue to bring us things. People who do not erase memories from our memory but who leave us space to create new stories.


Someone you miss: it should be a part of life, not a way of life
Our thoughts Our thoughts

The void left by a person or thing that we miss maybe immense. How can we continue to live our life despite this?


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