In Every Book, There Is A Sentence Waiting For You To Read It And Make It Your Own

In each book, there is a sentence waiting for you to read it and make it your own

We and the books have many things in common, one of which is that of being, both, infinite.

Reading, therefore, is not only a way to pass the time, it can also allow us to know ourselves better through the words of others.

Reading is a journey that can take us to unknown worlds, or even lead us to introspection.

Dare to travel, because the further you go, the deeper your personality will be, and the easier it will be for you to get away from all those things that hurt you.

The book is endless: there is always something to reveal

Borges always imagined paradise as a library; indeed, it is true that a library is infinite, because in literature, there are conquests, stories, love, fantasies, thoughts … but above all as many options as there are there are feathers to write them on.


From the moment we enter a book, the author gives us the opportunity to take hold of something that previously belonged to him.

The latter offers us his inner universe, so that each reader can have the opportunity to know it, to interpret it, and above all to reinvent it.

Sometimes, in a book, there are sentences waiting for us to read them and make them our own: they want us to discover them, and so that we can also discover ourselves.


“An open book is a talking brain; closed, a friend who waits; forgotten, a forgiving friend; destroyed, a weeping heart. ”

-Hindu proverb-

The meaning of the word also becomes infinite, because with it, we awaken worlds that, possibly, we could not have imagined without the help of a book.

Is it not then certain that, sometimes, these infinite and unreal universes live in us in a fervent way?

Let us become masters of these worlds, because they lead us to access parts of us that we would not have been able to access either other than by reading.

Reading is an inner journey

There are situations in which the sadness is so great that it seems impossible to us to externalize what we have in us.

Julio Cortázar has said it before: “words never reach their mark when what we have to say goes beyond our soul”.

This is why it is curious to think that it is the words themselves which can revive the illusion in us.

The sentences that we can find while reading are there to help us see full a glass which previously was empty in our eyes ; we need to realize the power they can have over people.

One of the most positive points that can be harvested by going on a trip is that of knowing the infinity of the realities that the world brings to us, of these forms of life which previously could seem unthinkable to us or which would not be to us. not even come to mind and which today, when we think about it, generate in us admiration, even curiosity.

It is the same when reading; the further we travel, the more we can get to know each other deeply.


“There is no better ship to travel far than a book.”

-Emily Dickinson-


Accepting that in every book there are more difficult paths to walk is also part of life, and the solution is not to run away from them, but rather to take them  : the more time it takes, the greater the reward. will be big, and the better we will know each other.

Get Ready: Change Your World and Make Literature Out of It

Obviously, it is arguably easier to create fantasy worlds than to change the real world.

However, everything that surrounds us today first had to be based on utopian foundations in order to exist: what if Christophe Colon had never bothered to demonstrate that the earth was not flat?

It is good to believe in the impossible, because maybe one day we will be able to make it a reality: the important thing is not to lose the illusion for all these things that give us reasons to make a path.


“Remember that what we call today ‘reality’, yesterday we called it ‘imagination’.”


We all know that reality is subjective, and that by adopting a positive attitude, we can mold it as we please and do what we want with it.

That is why we must believe in it and do everything to make our dreams come true, even if at times they seem quite out of reach and unachievable to us.

Let’s choose these little phrases from books that have marked us, and write our story : if we already have some ideas, now is the time to find new ways to be happy.

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