The Exact Legend About Lies And Truth

The exact legend about lies and the truth

The relationship of individuals to lies and truth is very ambivalent. Generally speaking, we all say (or believe) that we prefer the truth. However, when the one we receive or share is painful or complicated, it generates a great psychological conflict. In this article, find out the exact legend about the lie and the truth.

Choosing to lie is usually a symptom of a lack of confidence in the personal or stranger’s ability to deal with problems that the truth might generate. In other circumstances, choosing to lie is like behaving like an unscrupulous (or with great need) person who wishes to take advantage of a certain situation.

In any case, learning to face the truth is still today a skill in the process of being acquired by our society.   This skill balances a balance between truth and honesty.

The legend about lies and the truth

There are legends that rise up like beautiful stories that illustrate the psychological reality of our lives. The one we present to you today is one of them.

“The legend says that one day the truth and the lie crossed.

-Hello, said the lie.

-Hello, answered the truth.

– Nice day, says the lie.

So the truth bent down to check if that was the case. It was.

-Beautiful day, then answered the truth.

-The lake is even more beautiful, says the lie.

So the truth looked at the lake and saw that the lie was telling the truth and she nodded. The lie ran to the water and said:

-The water is even more beautiful. Are swimming.

The truth touched the water with her fingertips and realized that the water was actually good and from there she trusted the lie. The two took off their clothes and swam quietly. Some time later, the lie came out, dressed in the clothes of the truth and left.

The truth, unable to dress in the clothes of the lie began to walk without clothes and then everyone was horrified when they saw it. This is how people today prefer to accept the lie disguised as truth to the bare truth. ”

legends and lies

The ambivalence between the lie and the truth

We must pass on the right values ​​with sincerity. Relationships built on pillars of lies end up resembling a fragile and precarious house of cards capable of destroying anything in its path. However, although we know the connection between truth and its complexity, we always seek to turn it around by telling “half truths” or by expressing realities different from the truth. 

Claiming that we lie “ constantly ” is not in vain. Some studies from the University of Massachusetts reflect the fact that in our society we generally utter a lie or dishonest statement every 3 minutes. Other studies present a clearer figure: within a week we would emit lies in 35% of our conversations. 

These numbers are, in a way, heartbreaking. We frequently proclaim ourselves to be honest people who never lie, but in reality there is a big lie behind this coin. 

lie and truth

What prompts you to lie?

We don’t just lie, we lie a lot. On important subjects and trifles. It is easier to do this than to explain and face the harsh truth and the exposure. We don’t have a clear stance when it comes to lying and truth because we don’t think about it adequately. Therefore, we intoxicate ourselves with small and big lies that weave a web from which it is difficult to escape.

But, why are we doing this? Because the psychosocial benefit of lying is generally more immediate than that of the truth. Also because the truth is not exempt from risks. Moreover, very often, in order to protect our integrity or that of others and / or to take advantage of a situation, we succumb to the temptation: to use lies.

However, we must not forget the fact that no matter how lenient a lie may be, it is also an obstacle to confidence. Let us not forget that a lie is enough for doubt to become embedded in hundreds of truths. For this reason, we can begin to wonder about the experiences that we previously considered to be the most candid.


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