My Attitudes Define Me

My attitudes define me

It doesn’t matter what college degrees we may have, no matter what our job or where we live.

The way we relate to others says a lot about us.

Friendliness, altruism and solidarity are words that are easy to say, but it is more difficult to succeed in making them the symbol of our behavior.

If we succeed, then they will be the ones who will define our personality.

What is an attitude?

It is quite simply the way we have to deal with the different situations that we have to face.

In other words, we could say that attitude is the set of habits that characterize us, and with which people associate us.

For example, if when you walk into a store, you kindly say hello to the salespeople, or if when you see a person in need, you don’t hesitate to assist them, you then demonstrate various attitudes: friendliness, education, generosity and altruism.

This word is generally used in the world of work, or within relationships. Yet the concept of attitude is applicable to each of our experiences.

That’s the attitude! We hear about it when a person has to face difficulties, when they get up after falling, or when they overcome the difficulties involved in their goals.


Attitude is nothing without the actions that manifest it. Without a doubt, it is our actions that define us as a person, friend, companion, colleague or city dweller.

The attitude: innate or learned?

Assuming that our intention is to do good and that we have all the resources necessary to do so within our reach, it is easy to think of attitude as being innate. However, it is not that simple.

The messages we receive from society, with reference to what is good and what is bad, also have a lot to say about the configuration of our disposition towards life.

Indeed, our attitudes are very sensitive to the reinforcement that we receive.

If, when we were children, the people who represented authority in our life encouraged us to greet people we met, we would probably adopt the same behavior in similar situations.

In addition, this behavior will become a habit, but we will also adopt other similar behaviors, such as taking off one’s hat when entering an enclosed space.

 The value of our actions

Every time you say or do something, you are communicating with the people around you … which can have positive as well as negative consequences.

It doesn’t matter what you think, because no one can read your mind; that is why only your actions and your words are important.

There is no point in telling you “I will help this person” if in fact you don’t. By doing this, you are lying to yourself, but also to others.

You project on yourself and on others the image of an unreliable person, whose words are only a source of uncertainty, since no one can be sure that you will turn your words into actions.

We talk to you here about your relationships with others, but also about your own dreams, your ideas and the goals you want to achieve.

No matter how strong your desire to change the world is, if you don’t take action, then it won’t help.

Words go away, attitudes remain

“The wind carries the words”; surely you have heard this saying before. Talking, talking, and still talking, but never acting, is also a way of leading others to think badly of us.

If you want to convey something and your words contain the truth that you claim, then you must accompany your statements with attitudes.

Remember that actions don’t fly very far, nor do they fall into oblivion.

You need to make all the authenticity you have in yourself shine again, be true to your values ​​and not promise something if you are not sure you can deliver on your promise.


Are you convincing and your actions match your words? Do you say everything you want to say, or on the contrary, do you keep things to yourself?

Think about how you are and how you act with others, and put yourself in the other person’s shoes.

Attitude allows you to differentiate yourself from others

It is not your clothes, your hairstyle, or your walk that really sets you apart from others.

What makes the difference is your attitude to the difficulties you may encounter and the successes you may experience, to the victories you may enjoy and the failures you may experience.

We are used to mass-produced products, which is why we often forget about handmade, unique and extraordinary objects.

If you want to stand out from the crowd, then you need to be responsible, push forward, be positive, and have the ability to deal with your emotions.

Remember to honor your promises, think before you act, and be aware of what you are doing to improve your image with others, but also with yourself.


“It is not in the object that the meaning of things resides, but in the process.”

-Antoine de Saint-Exupéry-

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