Fallin ‘Floyd: The Short Film That Will Help You Keep Going After Hitting Rock Bottom

Fallin 'Floyd: The Short Film That Will Help You Carry On After You Hit Bottom

Hitting rock bottom is like finding yourself in a lost corner and believing that you can’t wait for anything to come and save you. 

You know well this feeling of intense discouragement which makes that certain days, you do not want to get out of your bed, because you find your refuge there vis-a-vis the cold which the reality causes in you.

In these moments of strong emotional weakness, anxiety becomes the friend of frustration, and the two of us are hidden from view.

Because of them, you self-indulge in your bad fortune and then appear in your thoughts, like a mismatched sock, the idea of ​​surrendering.

Today we present to you a short film aimed at all types of audiences and which talks about the emotional enemies that dull self-confidence.

It’s called  Fallin ‘Floyd  and it teaches us, among other things, how to keep going after hitting rock bottom. We invite you to watch it before continuing to read the article:

Fallin ‘Floyd , a funny short film that talks about a usual reality

Created in 2013 by Dutch production house “Il Lustern”, this animated short tells a simple story that you will easily identify with, either in the present moment or in your past.

Our character is a young trumpeter who plays in the street and pleases the people who pass and walk around him.

Everything seems to be going well in his daily life until he discovers something that will upset his emotional balance:  his girlfriend, with whom he is strongly in love, drops him for someone else.

At that moment, the music, colors and expressions of the musician come together to create a sad and melancholy mood in harmony with his feelings.

In addition, a kind of little black devil symbolizes this inner tumble: it hinders his sight, it makes him clumsy, it torments him and accompanies him everywhere like a heavy weight.

But when you seem to be hitting rock bottom …


Towards the middle of the short film, you will be able to observe that the character is feeling the worst and nothing is going well for him. He lacks desire and energy.

However, as it happens in real life,  something will make him stick his head out of the water and continue: the acceptance of grief and its overcoming.

So after going through inhospitable places and meeting other people who feel like him, he comes to realize that surrendering to himself gets him nowhere.

Although his little devil is now taller than him, he faces adversity and is once again the great trumpeter he was when he started out.

Without resorting to verbal language, the short film manages to convey a crucial message.

Any separation or traumatic moment requires a natural process of assimilation in which pain is present and after which we can start dreaming again, making plans and starting relationships …

It is almost compulsory to hit bottom, in order to then be able to climb to the top with more determination.

The visual power of the short film

Technically, we are faced with an animation full of sensitivity and which confronts us with life, with all its cruelty, but also with the truth.

Whether things are going good or bad, we always have something to say, we can always make the decision to get stronger, swim against the tide and overcome inertia.

Likewise, there is the value of small gestures (such as the smiles of passers-by who fill the musician with joy), the importance of self-esteem or the courage that we all have within us and that we are only capable of. to find out when we’re at our end of the line.


Finally, if you liked  Fallin ‘Floyd , you can also see and discover Little Quentin, by the same creators, Paco Vink and Albert’t Hooft, who made in 2009 another short film full of contrasts, lights and shadows, equally interesting.

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