How To Help A Friend Or Loved One With Depression

How to help a friend or loved one with depression
  It is possible that a loved one or friend of yours is suffering from depression.
And if the situation is obviously very painful for the one who is affected by this disease, it is also difficult for those around him.
This pathology is not easy to understand, because it generates a lot of uncertainty for those around the patient, and it is therefore difficult to know how to react. 

What can you do ? 

People who have loved ones suffering from depression have an essential role to play in their pathology, thanks to the support they can offer them.

To do this, you have to follow a few steps:

–  Understand the disease and learn to recognize its symptoms 

Depression is a pathology like any other, and its occurrence depends on many factors and not on the person themselves, as many mistaken popular beliefs claim. This therefore requires a precise diagnosis, and appropriate treatment.
Health professionals are the only ones who can accurately diagnose whether or not a person is suffering from depression, according to specific criteria.


Help the person to follow an adapted treatment

There are many treatments available for depression. But, despite this, the majority of people who suffer from it do not seek help.
For this reason, we must help these people find the treatment that is right for them because:

– This disease can be treated.
– Treatment reduces pain and suffering over time.

Your role, as a relative or friend, is to help the person follow the treatment adapted to their needs, in addition to trying to help them follow a healthy lifestyle (a good diet, regular exercise, etc.).

Support, without overwhelming or overprotecting

To be effective, support must be exercised with a certain distance, without suffocating or overwhelming the sick person, simply giving him affection and showing him understanding and patience.

There is no point in overloading her with advice, or orders, as this will increase her feelings of guilt and helplessness.

Depression is an illness, so there is no need to say “if I were you” or “I understand exactly how you feel”.
Before you say anything, ask yourself if you would say these words to someone with the flu or a bout of fever.

To appease people with depression, you can tell them that you understand their difficulties, that they are absolutely not crazy, and that it is an illness that affects a lot of people.

The person who suffers from depression is very sensitive when it comes to offers of help and support. You should not be too motherly or too indifferent, because she can quickly feel infantilized, or else think herself totally useless and helpless.

It is important to know that people with depression tire quickly because they struggle intensively with mental fatigue and negative thoughts.
You should not therefore demand too much effort from them, nor force them to do things against their will.
You can motivate them with understanding and tenderness, and when they make an effort, it is essential to recognize it and encourage them.

Finally, it is fundamental to maintain an open behavior, and not to discredit their feelings and their emotions.
Keep them in reality and offer them hope for a better future.

Take care of yourself so that you can be more supportive.

Depression can be a long process, during which you will have to share the suffering of the person you love, and find the strength to offer all your support, support and tenderness. But, it is important not to exhaust yourself.

The person who suffers from depression mostly has negative thoughts, which are not only on themselves but also on those around them. This can lead to feelings of irritability, and sometimes rejection. We will give you some tips to take into account in this kind of situation:

– Do not feel responsible for the depression of the person you love. There is no culprit because this disease is due to the convergence of many factors (biological, psychological, etc.).

Keep in mind that in order to take care of a person, you also need to be healthy and take care of yourself.

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