The Best Answer To Meanness Is A Lesson In Kindness

The best response to wickedness is a lesson in kindness

Some people think that it is beneficial for them to suffer, and can therefore go so far as to be enchanted by their misfortune, or even to provoke it. The best answer that can be given to these types of people is to teach them a lesson in kindness. This is the fairest and most respectful reaction one can have when faced with this type of behavior.

The concepts of right and wrong have been studied extensively throughout history; indeed, the human soul has the capacity to come closer to the two. It also depends a lot on culture, society, as well as other variables that can be introduced into the debate.

In addition to providing technical and scientific elements on this subject, in this article, we will seek to achieve individual reflection. We will then start from a concrete and abstract situation where a person acts badly and hurts us. How then can we respond to this?

There are many reasons why kindness can be taken as a great lesson, even if we never come to understand what led the other to harm us. By going through kindness to respond to wickedness, we do not free the other from the harm he has done us, but on the other hand, we free ourselves from our negative emotions.


Often times it is very difficult to forgive someone else, and that’s understandable. However, just remember that you can forgive without forgetting what happened or putting your trust in it again. So forgiveness does not make us naive or more vulnerable, but only frees us from a heavy burden that keeps the wound open from the damage done.

Kindness acts as a lesson because it is rewarding, it fosters solidarity, benefits self-esteem, and opens the door to suffering and learning. An act of kindness is directed towards others and towards oneself. But an act of wickedness, on the contrary, only targets personal interests.

We are not born good or bad, but we cultivate goodness or badness as we grow emotionally. This is why we can say that goodness is born from the heart and that it is nourished by it. If throughout our life we ​​want to move forward without hurting anyone, how can we respond with vengeance to that which only seeks to do harm?


A response equal to a bad deed does not change anything, does not make the suffering disappear, and only temporarily relieves. Resentment destroys, transforms and does not collect any positive fruit in itself. Therefore,

As Mr. Gandhi said, it would be beneficial if we were all the change and wanted to see the world in all situations; from the most difficult to overcome to the simplest. We can also trust the ethics of Kant, who affirmed that the virtue resided in the fact of “making of our action a universal action”.

We are surrounded by hatred, violence and fear of what it is necessary to instill as values ​​that contribute to social and individual well-being, values ​​that prevent an escalation of the censurable attitudes that hold us back. surround. In fact, those who have experienced this have discovered that the famous proverb “eye for an eye, tooth for tooth” is useless, because in the end, we all end up blind.


We cannot allow wickedness to take hold around us, nor can we use it to punish others. Kindness sets the example and does not hear all those feelings that are ultimately poisonous. Her way of channeling these is different: she remembers events and digs up negative feelings.

When faced with a bad deed, respond with a good deed. If you’ve suffered so much that you don’t know which path to take, give yourself time to heal not to forget, but to direct your movements with rationality, and not in anger. Lastly, and if there is no solution, if you cannot do an educational job, walk away without hurting because it is not a behavior that suits you.

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