19 Things Children Should Know Regardless Of Their Age

What to teach children, when and at what pace?
19 things kids need to know at any age

Childhood is that stage during which human beings get to know the world and marvel at it. Children are therefore, by definition, knowledge sponges who tirelessly absorb information.

It is thus fascinating to see how an infinity of elements are put in place during this stage to build their spirit and their personality. In the midst of this fascination, adults who surround children usually ask themselves several questions. For example,  what should my 3, 8, 9 or 10 year old know? What knowledge should he have? Or, is he learning correctly?

Obviously, there is a whole series of knowledge which seems “stipulated” as normal for each age group. However, perhaps the most correct answer is that each child and each family has their own rhythm, depending on their characteristics.

Nevertheless, it is essential to stress that, apart from knowing how to count to 10 or knowing how to name all the colors,  there is a series of messages that any child should receive and have assimilated depending on their level of understanding.

kids with balloons


The list of things children should know regardless of their age

Children must indeed acquire a multitude of essential knowledge over the years. So we wanted to extract a few in this article. These are strong elements that allow the child to build himself. This is why we affirm that at any age, children should know:

  • That they deserve this unconditional love and that their loved ones respect and adore them
  • How to protect yourself when something hurts and who is there to help
  • That there will always be someone to support them around them
  • That there will always be someone to hug them when they need it and that they should always be willing to hug someone who needs it
  • That in the event of a problem, they will have the choice between a large number of paths
  • That they have extraordinary abilities and that many of the characteristics that define them are wonderful
  • That their grades in school don’t define them
  • That we are all different and that our particularities enrich us
what children of all ages need to know
  • That asking and offering help is a good thing and that we need to move forward with other people  to be fulfilled
  • That they have rights and that they must not let anyone take them away
  • That they have duties to fulfill towards themselves and towards society
  • That their imaginations can take them very far, to a world of endless fun and happiness
  • That their body is theirs and that no one has the right to judge their appearance or invade their personal space
  • That they have the right to appreciate the moments of solitude, these wonderful moments to meet, think, invent or reflect …
  • That we all carry an invisible bag in which we store positive and negative experiences. They should know that the negatives are heavier and that they can relieve them with the positive experiences.
  • That it is important to put yourself in other people’s shoes and to contemplate the world from another point of view
  • That they can experience a multitude of feelings and express their emotions without fear of being judged
  • May nature bring us happiness and connection, that it is an infinite space of play and that we must take care of it every day
  • That intangible things are the most precious and that you are not rich until you have something that money cannot buy

These are just a few of the things children need to know regardless of their age. However, we can affirm that  these 19 learnings are essential so that childhood is constituted as a happy stage of development.


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