5 Inspirational Quotes About Forgiveness

5 inspirational quotes about forgiveness

Not to forgive is not good. Letting go of the pain and anger that someone has caused you is not easy. But it’s a necessary process to keep moving forward.

Not forgiving and holding on to resentment builds up tension, which leads to stress and deteriorates your relationships; and not only with the people who may have harmed you, but also with everyone around you.

Often times, problems arise in our life for trivial reasons, due to communication problems.

Sometimes the problem can be more serious. Either way, whether the responsible person apologizes or not, you must forgive them because it is the best gift you can give yourself.

Forgiveness is a liberating tool

Forgiveness is a powerful tool, but many people fail to understand its liberating properties.

Forgiving takes a heavy burden off our shoulders and allows us to let go of our anger, as well as our need for revenge.

It is a gesture that frees our mind and allows us to make wise decisions.


Forgiving allows you to take back control of the situation and, far from putting yourself in a weak position, puts you in a situation of power: of power over yourself.

Thoughts that allow you to forgive the other

Despite everything we have just said, it takes a lot of impulse to want to forgive.

Using inspiring thoughts can be very helpful in difficult times.

What is done is done

Don’t ruminate on the past. What is done is done. You don’t have a remedy to turn it around no matter how many times you flip it over in your mind.

When something goes wrong, the only thing you can do is forgive so that you can move on and accept what has happened.

Forgive to be forgiven

We cannot fall into the mistake of thinking that we are the only ones with the power to forgive.

We are not perfect and sooner or later we will offend someone and hurt them. We cannot demand to be forgiven if we are not able to do it for others.

We can never know what’s gonna happen

In line with the earlier quote, this thought takes us one step further.

It doesn’t just revolve around forgiving in order to be forgiven, but also to facilitate our relationships with others, because you never know what’s going to happen in our future.

Love and forgiveness, hand in hand

True love carries forgiveness as a banner. Human relationships are not easy, no matter what their nature.

The more intimate they are, the more possible it is that we need to forgive something. If there is no forgiveness, the relationship is doomed to failure. If you love, forgive.

Forgive so as not to pay for the consequences of the actions of others

Forgiving is a selfish act. For it is you who carry pain, anger, resentment and remorse in your heart. By forgiving the other, it all fades.

When the other person does not repent, you have even more reasons to forgive that will calm you down.

To forgive without forgetting is not to forgive, it is to let go

Many people say, “I forgive, but I don’t forget.”. This is in no way forgiveness, it is only a question of going over a situation so that it does not become blocking.

The very essence of forgiveness is forgetting the original offense. If you remember, sooner or later the ghosts of resentment and mistrust will come back to haunt you.

If you don’t want this to happen again, just make the necessary changes in your relationships so that it doesn’t happen again.

But never get locked into hatred and resentment, because these are extremely difficult prisons to get out of.


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