7 Ways To Be Emotionally Stronger

7 ways to be emotionally stronger

Being emotionally stronger has nothing to do with physical strength, but rather with endurance, the ability to face ups and downs, with a flexible mind able to reinvent itself, to face challenges with confidence, with courage. . It is a valuable tool that we should all develop to enjoy a better quality of life.

Lao-Tse said, rightly, that strong is he who conquers others, but powerful is he who is able to conquer himself. Such a feat, whether we believe it or not, can take us a lifetime; moreover, some people go through all their cycles of life without ever reaching such a goal,  such a principle of personal growth allowing to gain a better perspective of our own being and the world around it.

Thus, emotional strength provides us with adequate psychological resources to face any challenge. In order for this to happen, to be emotionally stronger, we  need to become aware of what we want to be and what we want and don’t want in our lives. Once the priorities are clearly defined, we will not leave room for insecurities or abandonment …
man facing a landscape

How to be emotionally stronger: 7 steps to practice

Emotional strength is not something we acquire after a long journey or after embarking on a courageous adventure to find treasure, a supposed Grail. Indeed, to  be emotionally stronger requires only adequate interior work, a private, intimate and neat craft where to mobilize adequate psychological resources.

Let’s see some steps below to achieve this.

1. Self-awareness: 20 minutes of personal reflection per day

Just as we devote part of our days to sports, reading or watching television, it is strongly recommended that we “give ourselves ” some time to reflect, to practice self-awareness.

2. Accept negative emotions

Let’s think about something for a moment. They have long convinced us that “we should be happy,” they have told us so many times that in the end  we have become addicted to positive emotions. Something like this causes us to somehow not tolerate or understand the purpose of negative emotions.

Sadness blocks us, anger comes over us and we go through one disappointment after another not quite knowing what to do with all these negative emotions… On the other hand, emotionally strong people accept these kinds of internal realities. Acceptance is not, however, synonymous with surrender, but rather with taking charge of certain internal facts that we must know how to manage and face.

3. Understand that obstacles are not walls, but challenges

The psychological resources that we will need to develop in order to be emotionally stronger are not always easy to take on. A third strategy that can be useful is to  make obstacles different. Let’s talk about it, with ourselves and with others, as if it were challenges and not dead end or threatening doors.

What at first appears to be an end is sometimes nothing more than a direct invitation to create something new, to cross a border which will offer us new opportunities.

woman jumping from hill to hill

4. Instead of outside attention, ask for respect

Some people spend a large part of their life feeding on the attention of others. They need it as much as the oxygen they breathe, in which case they would feel helpless or lost. Thus, by having the approval of others, the complacency of friends and family, they manage to validate themselves and nurture their own self-esteem.

This unhealthy practice keeps us from being emotionally stronger. What we need is not attention but respect, the same that we will offer to others so that we can all progress by being  free and fulfilled,  individuals not needing others to tell them what to do or how to act.

5. Remember, change is part of life

Something that characterizes emotionally strong people is enthusiasm. The enthusiastic personality has a strength within that encourages them to excel, to find new challenges to grow up with, to find the impetus with which to leave toxic environments, people who bring them nothing and harm them.

Change is part of life, and what stagnates, what stays still and trapped ends up being wasted, ends up losing that wonderful enthusiasm…  So let’s remember the value of change and the need to renew ourselves from time to time to be stronger in every way.

6. Learn to thank

It may seem at first glance something naive or even unscientific, but in reality  the act of giving thanks every day for what has been accomplished, for what we have, for what we are and surround us, is a very healthy exercise  .

Let’s try to keep a gratitude journal, a notebook where we can recognize all the positive aspects that characterize us, that surround us and that, in a way, should provide us with motivation and security at all times.

7. The best day to conquer our dreams is always today.

Being emotionally stronger also means  being able to fight for what we want, without fear, without insecurity, without having to put off until tomorrow the needs that we have today  . Let’s face it, many of us say that “one day” they will tell such and such a person how much they love them, “one day” they will ask their boss for a raise, “one day” they will go on this amazing trip,  “ one day” …

However, “a day” never appears on the calendar. We let time pass and life escapes us through the pipes of indecision or fear . Is it worth it? Of course not. Therefore, let’s combine confidence, self-esteem, determination and a few drops of courage to achieve our dreams, to defend our own needs.

woman facing mountains

In conclusion,  being emotionally stronger is a task that never really ends. It is a daily work, the psychic tendon that must be taken care of and exercised in every challenge, apply in every adversity and in every dream. It is an act of self-confidence to understand that happiness is worked, that well-being is cultivated with affection and self-love.

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