Couvade Syndrome, Empathetic Male Pregnancy

Couvade syndrome, empathetic male pregnancy

Although the majority of psychology articles focus on the more well-known mental disorders such as depression or anxiety, other types of psychological problems can be the same or even more disabling. One of the strangest is Couvade syndrome also known as empathetic male pregnancy.

This syndrome occurs when a couple is going to have a baby for the first time. In some cases (between 10 and 65% according to a study), the body of the future father experiences certain symptoms of pregnancy. In fact, the name of the disorder comes from the French word ”  couver  ” referring to incubation and education.

In this article, we’ll take a look at the symptoms most commonly associated with this disorder as well as its possible causes.

Couvade syndrome: what does it consist of?

Couvade syndrome is a type of psychological disorder that causes some men to develop symptoms similar to pregnancy when a couple is expecting a baby. Although the exact cause of this syndrome is not known, there is a tendency to think that it is related to an excess of empathy of the father towards the pregnancy experienced by the mother. This excess then causes hormonal changes.

the pregnancy lived together

In addition to being most certainly of mental origin, this disorder significantly alters the hormones of the men who suffer from it. Thus, it was recently discovered that the testosterone levels of affected people very often decrease at the same time as prolactin (one of the main hormones associated with pregnancy) increases.

Experts differentiate Couvade syndrome from other mental disorders such as nervous pregnancy. The latter is especially noticeable in women. However, both disorders are considered to be psychosomatic disorders, that is, mental issues that cause actual changes in the body.

Most common symptoms

Symptoms of this disorder usually appear from the third month of pregnancy. They then usually go away when the baby is born. Couvade syndrome is not considered to be a serious problem for this reason and because it does not pose any significant health risk to the men who suffer from it.

However, most of the symptoms caused by this disorder can be very bothersome. Some of the most common are as follows:

  • Nausea and vomiting, especially in the mornings.
  • Change in mood, increased irritability and increased emotional sensitivity.
  • Cravings and repulsion towards specific food or smells.
  • Sudden changes in weight whether by increase or decrease.
  • Bowel problems such as diarrhea, gas, or stomach pain.
  • Abdominal pain similar to contractions.

As can be seen, although these symptoms do not imply any real risk to the health of people who suffer from the syndrome, it is understood that they can be associated with many feelings of discomfort. But, what is the cause of this disorder.

Why is Couvade syndrome appearing?

Experts still do not agree on the causes of this particular disorder. In recent years, a series of explanations have been found for how it occurs. In the following, we will present the most important.

1.Hormonal changes

Some experts believe that the hormonal changes produced during pregnancy in a woman’s body could also affect the man’s hormones by lowering his testosterone and increasing prolactin for this reason.

2.Excess of empathy

Some studies have shown that men who put themselves in their partner’s shoes too often are more likely to show symptoms of this syndrome. Thus, the predisposition to share the load with the mother or the desire to participate actively in the pregnancy could be the causes of the problem.

pregnancy experienced by the father

3.Anxiety and stress

A pregnancy is always synonymous with a significant change in the life of a couple. As such, this stage can turn into a stressful situation which promotes the development of father anxiety. An excess of anxiety is linked to the decrease in testosterone, which could therefore be one of the causes of the symptoms caused by this disorder.

4. jealousy

Finally, some psychologists say that at the unconscious level, men suffering from Couvade syndrome would feel jealousy towards the mother (because she feels in her body the development of a new life) or towards the baby who could leave him. his place in the life of his couple. This jealousy would therefore be the cause of the disorder in order to attract attention unconsciously.

Although it can be quite disturbing, Couvade syndrome poses no risk to men who have it. If you or your partner is going through this disorder, remember to contact a mental health professional who can help you get through this stage with much less difficulty.

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