Think About It Triple, Double It And Say Half It

Think about it triple, double it and say half it

Think about it triple, double it and say half. The world is already full of limited minds who only talk about others, without really thinking. People who talk a lot but who do little. So let’s go against the grain by being wiser, more careful and freeing ourselves from a closed mind.

If there is anything really complicated, it’s good to be more flexible in our thought patterns. In fact, one of the most interesting aspects that we are told in cognitive-behavioral theses is that our problems do not arise precisely from complicated personal situations. The type of thinking we use and the way we interpret our reality can undoubtedly be our allies or our worst enemies.

Every day we make multiple decisions and we regret them a lot. Right after, we wonder why we did this, why we didn’t think about it more. It is the same with the number of our sentences. Sometimes we speak without thinking and allow anger, fear or resentment to speak in place of and on behalf of emotions.

These are things that we have all experienced and that make us ask ourselves questions. Why are we so “fallible” when, on the contrary, we need to be strong? Instead of being obsessed with self-control, we should build new perspectives where calm, Emotional Intelligence, reason and responsibility are orchestrated. 

We explain how to achieve this in the rest of this article.


Feel, think and realize

“Think about it three times, make it double and say it half”. Does this mean that we should meditate our decisions as much as possible and talk at the minimum? Not at all. It is not about spending your life rationalizing every action, every emotion or desire in rigorous silence. It’s actually about promoting an extremely simple sequence of action:

Learn to listen to yourself -> Act in harmony with your thoughts and emotions -> Speak right and resonate with your essence.

On the other hand, there is something we all know: There are people who let themselves be carried away by their automatic thoughts when they act. Their decisions are often conditioned by distorted approaches and twisted emotions. These limiting attitudes cause them to lose countless opportunities. It is then that frustration and suffering appear.


We don’t realize it, but in a way we often let ourselves be carried away by the mechanisms we were talking about earlier. They take root in an unconscious full of prejudices. “ Better to avoid this person because they look like my ex”, “Better to say no to this project because if it went wrong last time, it will be even worse this time”. We make arbitrary value judgments without using any filters. Without realizing it. This is not good.

Everything that happens in our daily life can be interpreted from multiple points of view. It is necessary to find what fits best, constructively, without bias. Without limiting oneself, without closing doors and without becoming one’s own enemy.

We will tell you how to do this.

Think well, decide better

Breathe, think, feel, decide, act. It is a simple sequence that we should integrate into ourselves every day. The main problem is that we never have enough time for ourselves. Life and our obligations drag us on their high speed train, leaving the autopilot to decide.  

It doesn’t make sense because if we don’t have time to think things through the best way… what have we become? Robots. It is necessary to put in place adapted strategies for this to change. We will explain to you.


Strategies to think better and decide better

We are sure that you know more than one person who speaks without thinking. These are personalities who act without taking into account the consequences of their actions and who sometimes don’t care. Acting without hurting and thinking to decide better is a strategy of responsibility and respect, for ourselves and for others.

  • Leave aside the obsessive “homework” (I should have done that, said that, I should be more energetic, more firm…). Stop using those past verbal tenses, stop lamenting. The best time to improve is always NOW.
  • Disable the ego. Do not think yourself infallible, think, act and speak with humility.
  • It is not enough to “think before you act”. We must learn to smell, to listen in a calm manner to our emotions and our feelings.
  • Be intuitive when it comes to feeling your own biases. We all accumulate irrational thoughts that we need to undo and rationalize.
  • Connect your interior with the exterior so that the decision you make is in harmony with your personality and your needs.

Remember, there are no better or worse decisions. It is only a question of being in agreement with its values, its roots. And you will only get there if you know how to listen to yourself, love yourself and respect yourself a little more.

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