Better To Be Alone Than In Bad Company

better alone than in a bad comapny

You can write a lot about love. We are all familiar with these famous textbooks, and we have read more than one self-help book, all of which are authored by eminent scholars, great gurus who seem to have the best advice when it comes to any emotional problem.

So why do we keep getting it wrong in so many of our relationships?

In reality, no one is immune to suffering. Even the brain, with all its knowledge, analysis and experience, does not hold the reins of the heart.

True love is not half given, saying to yourself “what’s yours is yours, what’s mine is mine.”

He offers himself entirely, because we love wholeheartedly, with sincerity… And this is perhaps where the danger appears.

In this life, nothing is certain. We live in a world that keeps moving forward and changing. People, like feelings, are also changeable.

No one can always be sure in love. However, there is something that should be clear to each of us …

You shouldn’t be afraid of loneliness, and you shouldn’t see it as a bad option.

It is sometimes the best way to be in harmony with oneself, and it is the catharsis of these bad relationships from which we must know how to free ourselves, because  it is sometimes better to be alone than in bad company …

These bad relationships, these illogical loves that imprison us


There are wise loves, whole loves which enrich us and which make our life more complete and uplifting.

It is these relationships where the two members respect their respective spaces, and where personal development is possible at the same time as the couple relationship.

More than one person will wonder “but does this type of relationship really exist?” Of course.

It could be that this search takes half of your life or that the right person is right next to you and you don’t see them.

However, we all go through this moment of knowing how to see with an open heart and an awakened mind.

What is it that sometimes we need to experience such harmful and illogical loves?

In truth, there are many explanations for this question and even though we know them all, that does not prevent us from falling into the trap several times.

Because that’s how it is, love blinds us and sometimes takes us away, no matter what those around us say.

We create our own reality and we let ourselves be carried away, until the moment when we actually open our eyes …

Now let’s see why we fall into such harmful relationships.

The need to be recognized

Suddenly this person arrives who understands what we are saying, who is kind and who is interested in what we do and what we say.

From morning to night, we are the center of another person’s world and that makes us feel good.

It is usually people with low self-esteem who get carried away by these sometimes destructive types of relationships.

We all have deficiencies, and just having someone to fill our voids and ease our fears is heartwarming. However, most of the time, this is just an illusion.

In the long run, these destructive loves create even more spaces, voids and wounds.


Fear of loneliness

This may surprise you, but the wording in this paragraph does not apply to many people.

There are some people who don’t “understand” being alone. Loneliness is a vital failure and a disgrace in the eyes of society.

For that, these people will support and cash what it takes. While relationships are destructive and undermine their rights as individuals, they also represent a much more manageable “comfort zone” than what is behind that line of “security” (or destruction).

These old stereotypes …

This aspect will perhaps surprise more than one, but nowadays, some assume these questionable ideas according to which “in love, if we do not suffer, it is because we do not really love each other”, “ love is saying yes to make the other happy ”,“ in this life, the strongest is the one who supports the most, who suffers the most… ”

Most of these ideas should be chased away, which are true clichés of romantic love, in which we implicitly find these ideas of submission and domination, where the one who loves the most is the one who shows himself the most jealous …

We must be careful with these concepts which remain very present in our society.


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