5 Keys To Preparing For A Successful Job Interview

5 keys to preparing for a successful job interview

The job interview can be a time of great stress and pressure when looking for a job. If possible, it is best to prepare for this meeting thoroughly, so that you can give a brilliant and honest answer at least to the most frequent questions.

Keep in mind that the company is looking for the right candidate who will fill the position smoothly. A good job interview will reveal the candidate’s values ​​and qualities that could not be achieved with any other staff selection test. His values ​​and these qualities will give him access to the position or keep the candidate away from it.

On the other hand, before being invited to the job interview, we generally went through an initial selection process based on our CV. In other words, if we are accepted for the interview it is because we are truly a serious option for the position. Otherwise, the company would not spend resources on this. In other words, what we gain or lose in this stage will depend on how we answer and what questions we ask.

You can always be treated to confusing questions in a job interview. Additionally, some can be designed to make us feel pressured. Normally, in this type of situation, the candidate is assumed to be unsuitable for the position to which he is applying, but on the contrary, he can easily be dismissed by an uncontrolled response.

In case we do, if we can provide an awesome replica, that’s better. But, if not, let us keep a restrained attitude to these questions. This key would be the prologue to five others that we offer you below.

1. Know the company

The more you know about the company likely to hire you, the better. Try to get as much information as possible on the number of employees, if it has a website, what is its philosophy, what products it markets, its turnover, etc.

Internet is a good ally to find all this information, but if you have the opportunity to take a detour to see the offices in person, you can get some interesting details (building structure, if it is located at street level, bus…).

prepare for a successful job interview

2. Focus on the place, day and time

It is important to be clear about when and where, on what day and at what time you have been summoned. It is possible that you will be received in a place that is not related to the company. This often happens when companies outsource the selection for the position to others. However, it is best to go a day before so that you can assess exactly how long it takes you to arrive, if there is a possibility of getting there by public transport or if you can park easily. .

Punctuality is a key element. Try to set aside a margin for the unexpected. On the other hand, even if you are nearby, don’t show up too early. It can make you feel like you’re mismanaging your time and planning things wrong.

3. Take care of your appearance

You have certainly heard over and over again that “a picture is worth a thousand words”, and well in this case, it is especially true. Taking into account the work you will be doing and the culture of the company, you must present a sartorial aspect that is consistent according to these two variables.

For businesses or “more serious” positions, adopt an appropriate neutral-colored suit, tie in company colors, clean, closed-toe shoes and ironed shirt. Be comfortable, it is about projecting the feeling of formality but without giving the idea that you are in the grip of this same formality.

On the other hand, if the position you are targeting is “waiter at the beach bar”, maybe wearing a suit is not the best idea. You will have to turn to something much more relaxed, emphasizing your spontaneity. Potential customers will be enjoying their vacation and will prefer happy people to overly serious people. Then they will try to find it in you and the way we dress may be the first announcement.

successful job interview

4. Bring documentation

Take a copy of the curriculum vitae you have already submitted and if you have been asked to bring another document, make sure it is crisp and presentable.

Study your CV thoroughly, as during the interview you may be asked to explain it in more detail. We may want to know more about one of your training or your experiences.

5. Better to go alone

It is best to go to job interviews on your own. Being accompanied can be interpreted as a sign of immaturity or insecurity. Oddly enough, many parents accompany their children through their first job interviews by telling them how to act and what to say. Beware of these tips. Human resources departments have also evolved and the profiles they seek are not always what a cursory analysis might suggest.

At the end of the day, each interview, each interviewer and each candidate is unique. In this sense, the person who usually ends up getting the job is the one who was best able to read the interview itself and align the three elements.

I haven't changed, I've grown (emotional maturity)
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In this article, we are going to teach you how to develop your emotional maturity, so that your life becomes a pleasure and not a chore.

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