How Can We Better Understand The Work Of Psychologists?

How can we better understand the work of psychologists?

Much is said about the work of psychologists, and their profession is often unfairly stereotyped.

From the professional who takes care of “treating the mad” to the one who is related to a diviner. In contrast, psychology has nothing to do with magical gifts, three-minute analyzes, or visions of the future.

Even if their current work is questioned, it causes uncertainty and we do not really know what it is for, the psychologist is a professional who has received a university education and who devotes part of his life to the study of human mind, emotions and behavior.

To better understand what its function is, what it is dedicated to, and the effort it makes, we are going to share with you a metaphorical story about the work of psychologists.

Going to the psychologist, the first step to start a change

Going to the psychologist is not always easy.

In this process is the acceptance or the idea that we have a problem or a difficulty, and for many people this recognition is difficult.

However, this is the first step in trying to change the way we feel.


The psychologist can help us improve or grow personally, and not just when our world has started to crumble around us, or the clouds keep us from being positive.

In any case, to consult a psychologist, you must have a temperament that allows you to be able to ask for help.

From there, we can begin to work to initiate change.

The work of psychologists

Consulting a psychologist can generate some fear and uncertainty, especially if we allow ourselves to be carried away by the stereotypes that we find in society.

As we said at the beginning of this article, a psychologist has nothing to do with a diviner or a person who deals with madmen.

A psychologist is a qualified professional, specializing in a field, who is responsible for helping us change or improve an aspect of our life.

A psychologist will not give you magic formulas or make your life a series of miracles.

It will also not solve the problem but it will be the support for you to find the solution yourself.

A psychologist will help you find your resources, which are often within you.

A psychologist will listen to you and maybe reveal something to you that you haven’t noticed, even though you carry it within you.

The psychologist is attentive to what you say and what you do not say, as well as your verbal and sign language.

Sometimes it translates your messages so that you can connect with yourself. Consulting a psychologist is intense and beautiful interior work.

A psychologist works to understand your outlook on life and observes which aspects may be favorable to you or, on the contrary, which represent obstacles for you.


A psychologist will help you understand what is happening to you, find the best way to approach it, and most importantly, that it is you who finds out, so that you know how to manage yourself.

It will help you make decisions and see other realities that previously did not exist for you, as your problem had taken care of obscuring them.

A psychologist will give you the tools and help you discover them so that you can then use them when you need them.

You will use them in your personal baggage and in your weapons to fight and evolve.

Psychologists may also have difficulty

As we see in this story, a psychologist will help you transform your problems, but that doesn’t mean they shouldn’t face other difficulties and conflicts.

Psychologists are people who also have to face life and its adversities.

This is why they may also need professional help. Psychologists are people and therefore they are vulnerable in the face of circumstances.

In addition, in the field of psychology, it is advisable that professionals do therapy sessions so that they can work on their conflicts and that these do not interfere in the healing of their patients.

Good inner work is the fundamental condition for working well with other people.

Finally, remember that a psychologist can be your guide on your life’s path, but you are the only person who needs to work for change with commitment, effort, and steadfastness to hope for changes in your life .

You alone are the architect of your journey. The psychologist will only accompany you on this path.

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