To Seek Outside Oneself What One Already Has In Oneself

Sometimes the answers to our questions are within us, and we don’t see it.
Look outside of yourself for what you already have in yourself

Often times we make it our goal to take great trips in search of what we want  ; desires or necessities which in our opinion will make us happy. Then we embark on this quest with enthusiasm. So, we move forward in the hope of finding what we are looking for. But we don’t only realize what we are doing, because in reality,  it comes down to looking outside of ourselves, what we already have in ourselves.

Reduced to despair, we do not realize that what we are looking for is closer to us than we think. So we travel greater distances, accumulating great frustration, which leads us to anguish and uneasiness.

So, looking outside of yourself for what you already have in yourself is a behavior that can be harmful to health. To avoid this, we can resort to different strategies, at the center of this article.

We are tempted to it every day

The temptation to look outside of yourself for what you cannot see inside at first glance can be very great. As big as it is perverse. So we cease to know ourselves, because we are so busy looking for what is outside of us that we forget what we have inside. That is to say, what we are.

Then we get confused and stop identifying with what we’re doing. We turn into pure despair: a despair that we do not want to see defined for us. It is useless to look outside ourselves for what we have already learned and assimilated. We had prepared ourselves, precisely for this.

Ignoring yourself leads to moving away from what you are, therefore to moving away from your goals and to confuse your desires, without in any way criticizing the expectations of others.

not looking outside of yourself for what you already have in yourself


How to change this attitude?

Looking outside of ourselves for what we already have in ourselves also takes us away from what we want most.  Often times we believe that happiness is having big things and we lose sight of the small details. Valuing what we have helps us discover the treasures around us.

In addition, sometimes we see the best in each other and the worst in ourselves. It is another way of looking outside of us for what we already have. We too have qualities and it is important not to forget that  ; otherwise, we will be very unfair to ourselves when we sit down to take stock. Therefore, it is essential that we do not forget who we are.

How to fight it?

There are ways to combat the tendency to look outside of ourselves for what we already have inside of us:

  • Do not focus on the opinions of others:  what others think is important, but only at a certain point. Often times we give great credit to what they say, more than necessary, which can cause us pain.
  • Valuing the Small Details:  Giving value to what we have is admitting that we have a great treasure. It helps us not to lose sight of what we really want.
  • Getting to Know  Yourself : Self-knowledge helps us learn what we want and know what our true happiness is. So we can exceed our goals and not waste time on fruitless research.
  • Appreciate yourself:  it comes down to giving us courage, to paying attention to the way we treat ourselves. To convince ourselves that we are capable of achieving great things. Indeed, focusing on what others are or have takes us away from ourselves. While appreciating ourselves, we strengthen our self-esteem.

Finding out what is inside of us is not always negative. If we pay attention to what we don’t like in others, we can see our own feelings reflected. Sometimes we project what is happening to us on others. It is a defense mechanism.

there is no point in looking outside yourself for what you already have in yourself

The advantages of not looking outside of yourself for what you have in yourself

To transform, grow and stop hiding our light, it is important to stop looking outside of yourself. Because it is inside that we find our qualities that will help us face life, with its ups and downs. Changing this behavior will benefit you in several ways. Here are a few :

  • Harmony:  being in tune with what we are, we will be able to enjoy greater tranquility. Thus, we will be close to what we want and we will search, being sure to find what we are looking for.
  • Self-knowledge:  looking within allows us to know ourselves better.
  • Assertiveness  : When we look inside ourselves, we stop putting others on a pedestal, and we let go of our prejudices, which leads us to have healthier relationships.

Self-esteem is the immune system of psychic life

By seeking outside ourselves for what we already have within us, we distance ourselves from ourselves, which weakens our self-esteem. In this way, we risk our sanity.

To seek systematically outside of oneself is an attitude which condemns us to live like a boat sailing at the mercy of the seas. There is nothing better to stay in harmony than to use your self-knowledge.


When you have the sun in you, the storms don't matter
Our thoughts Our thoughts

Do not let anything or anyone take away that splendor from your ability to be happy. You must know how to relight this indoor engine all the time.

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