Headache And Stress: Two Allies Of Suffering

Headache and stress: two allies of suffering

There are many types of headaches, but the one triggered by stress is the most common in the population.

It is a headache which intoxicates us with tiring vapors and which confuses our vitality at the end of the day, when we arrive home.

According to various studies carried out in the Mayo Clinic in Spain, this type of headache associated with stress repeatedly or occasionally affects 78% of people.

In addition, it is linked to increased tension in the neck, shoulder and jaw area, which tends to intensify the pain. This is something that can be very limiting at times.

The daily stress pulls on our threads like the strings of a violin which would like to agree with the melody of the pain and the anguish.

It is music that resonates in our heads like muffled beats charged with suffering.

From a psychological point of view, it is very interesting to analyze this type of pain.

We are dealing with one of the more “raw” symptoms of stress, and emotional anatomy tends to mobilize not only our brain chemistry but also the balance of muscles, vertebrae and cranial nerves thus raising tension. and then generating pain.

Let’s see in detail its origin and how to fight this enemy so known .


The headache and the echo of accumulated negative emotions

Our body channels and receives the impact of each of the emotions, whether positive or negative.

Far from being two isolated things, headache and stress are closely linked and the result is a complex gear where neurotransmitters, metabolites, nerves and the heart set in motion a machine that is sometimes very difficult to control. control.

When we face pain, it is necessary to prevent it from taking over our life: it is advisable to control its triggers and to face them with will and courage.

According to a study conducted by the University of Maryland (United States), stress-related tension headache has a bigger impact in women and although it is one of the most common pains, this type of pain head is one of the most forgotten and difficult to deal with today.

However, there is nothing better than knowing your “own enemy” to face them with the best weapons, the ones that best suit your own characteristics and needs.

For this type of headache, it is not always useful to take an analgesic, hence the importance of knowing other strategies, and above all, of using prevention.


The mechanism that causes headache due to stress

Be aware that it is not clear why headaches are linked to stress. For years, scientists thought this was primarily due to the hardening of the muscles in the shoulders, scalp, and jaw when we are tense.

  • Know that stress and anxiety are, for our brain, only a warning signal in the face of a risk that we must avoid.
    Our instinctive part prepares us for flight, but the rational part stops us, and forces us to stay calm and not exert so much pressure.
  • According to the latest conclusions reached by the experts, it is muscle tension that activates the release of certain neurotransmitters, such as serotonin, which in turn activates the pain pathways.
  • It is amazing that the feeling of suffering increases just when we arrive home or when finally the weekend arrives.

How to deal with stress to prevent headache?

As we pointed out to you previously, it is necessary to seek its own methods according to its needs.

With medical help and coping strategies to deal with everyday stress, we can deal with this type of common ailment much better.

Here, we invite you to take into account or reflect on the following very simple aspects which can help you:

  • Awareness: Set yourself a limit every day. We often tend to fill our agenda with tasks. We spend the day making lists.
    Maybe now is the time to build barriers: “ I’m not going to worry about what’s not important, I’m not going to let that affect me, I’m not going to allow that person to. bother me more, at 6pm, I finish and I take a break… ”
  • Start and end the day the same way: calmly. It might sound silly from the outside, but something as simple as getting up half an hour early and enjoying some relaxation, silence and meditation can help us face the day. with more balance.
    Two hours before bed, remember to relax, and make time for yourself.

To conclude, it is only a matter of finding a way to re-harmonize with life and with our interior.

It is important to be in peace, in balance, and above all, to allow ourselves to be present and not subject to the vagaries of the stress which accelerates our heart to make completely disappear our priorities.

A headache is only the first warning of what stress or anxiety can cause.

We must prevent these conditions which, although they are usual, remain dangerous.

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