Resistance To Self-employment

Resistance to self-employment is usually based on a lack of autonomy and an intolerance of uncertainty. Breaking through these barriers could be the start of a more prosperous and rewarding professional life.
Resistance to self-employment

Self-employment is an option available to anyone who knows how to do a job. However, many are those who resist this type of option, even if they have been unemployed for a long time or do not have an income that allows them to live in peace.

It is as if the fact of belonging to an already established company and having a boss gives them more peace, security or psychological well-being, even if their work does not really represent an option to project themselves and achieve greater economic balance. While it is true that working for one’s own account involves risks, it is also important to know that these risks are controllable and manageable.

It would seem that giving up self-employment is more related to certain perceptions about self-employment  than to real possibilities or limitations. We see above all psychological and cultural aspects playing an important role in this idea. Now let’s study this in more detail.

A woman worried about self-employment

The Self-Employed Dilemma

The decision to become self-employed involves resolving a dilemma: autonomy vs. uncertainty. In general, the majority of people value professional autonomy. They believe that they will be able to get more out of their work, time or life by leading their own business. Manage their schedules, decide on their priorities, etc.

When you work on your own, you actually have this autonomy. However, on the other hand, the worker remains exposed to great uncertainty. No company is, in the long run, guaranteed to do well. Moreover, while it is also true that we enjoy greater independence, we also see an increase in the level of responsibility and the obligation to decide.

This last aspect is perhaps the one that most influences resistance to professional independence. It is always easier to see another decide and be responsible for the consequences of their decisions. Just as it is easier for someone else to carry the weight of uncertainty on their shoulders. It must be said that any business, no matter how solid, can end badly. This includes big industries, big banks, etc.

The “security” of salaried work

The dream of many is to have a good salaried job. In a solid company, which is dynamic and guarantees a prosperous future in the long term. This pattern, of paternalistic influence, is an option which can only be accessed by a minority of the population. And they are not necessarily the “best” because chance plays a big role here, at different levels.

The one who comes from a millionaire family or a wealthy circle is more likely to have an excellent salaried job  thanks to his contacts and not necessarily thanks to his training or his talent.

Likewise, it may happen that the selection mechanisms are not necessarily “fair”. For example, a company may prefer people who are younger (or older or with other characteristics) because this coincides with its policy. In fact, a person with immense talent might not be right for them.

Therefore, looking for that great job may be an extremely limited option. Moreover, even if this were to be achieved, the world economy is today very unstable. The dismissal of workers is one of the most common measures in times of crisis. Thus, in the majority of salaried jobs, there are no definitive certainties either.

A man who adopted self-employment

The self-employed and the entrepreneur

Obviously, to be an entrepreneur, you need a specific disposition. But no one needs to be a great entrepreneur to be self-employed.

The entrepreneur seeks to grow, to develop, to capitalize. The self-employed worker does not necessarily want this. Rather, it seeks to generate income independently. It is an entrepreneurial modality, but it does not imply to found a new entity as such.

Ideally, a person decides to work independently out of pleasure and conviction and not out of need. Unfortunately, many only consider this option after searching for a very long time and not finding the job of their dreams. This is another important factor which presupposes resistance. Self-employment is sometimes only an alternative available during a time of insecurity when this is not the case.

Sometimes we don’t learn to swim until we have fallen in the water. We then discover that it is a definitive apprenticeship and we even end up taking a liking to it. The same thing happens with self-employment. This is a real option, which can open many doors.

When we don’t have a job but still resist the idea of ​​self-employment,  we should ask ourselves if what is holding us back is fear, prejudice, or lack of self-confidence.


The psychological consequences of unemployment
Our thoughts Our thoughts

Prolonged unemployment and poor working conditions can prove fatal to health. We invite you to think about this.

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