The 7 Best Tips For Improving A Resume

The 7 best tips for improving a resume

Finding a job that satisfies us is a difficult task these days. Huge competition, geographic factors and the demands of an increasingly selective labor market can make us doubt our capabilities. We come across all kinds of information on how to improve our resume, but we don’t know exactly how to apply it.

In a society as prepared as ours, it is not easy to come up with a resume that is both simple and eye-catching. We can observe around us that people use innovative techniques: the  vi deo-curriculum and alternative media (such as color maps or drawings) are easily found on the internet.

But improving the curriculum vitae is not a simple matter of appearance, of formalism. It is undeniable that it  is important to attract the public, but it is also important not to disappoint them. If the message is not adequate, the colors and all the hoopla will be of little value.

There are many techniques that focus on improving the resume, each of which can teach us new things. Some will be familiar to us, but others will seem completely new to us. The important thing is to know how to take advantage of it so that the whole world can see what we are capable of.

7 essential tips to improve your resume

1. Forbidden to lie

Not lying may seem obvious, but it is more and more common to find fake resumes. Adding jobs that have not been done, lying about the responsibilities inherent in our professional experiences or even inventing to have completed a course when it is not can have disastrous consequences. This is not only  embarrassing, but also very awkward.

Being honest isn’t just about dignity, it’s also about being smart. If our boss or recruiter finds out that we’ve lied about something so important, they’ll start to be suspicious of us. No one likes having unreliable workers in their business , so let’s try not to give that impression.

curriculum vitae

2. Learn to stand out from the crowd

It is recommended to highlight something that differentiates us from others. Not only in the formality of the curriculum vitae (as mentioned above) but also in our skills. Have learned a little spoken language; have chosen specific courses; add volunteer experiences or include work experiences  that may be remarkable.

The problem with almost all curriculums is that they are very similar. A few years ago, English was the most requested language,  but currently this skill is not so relevant anymore. The more original our trajectory, the more we will have the possibility of arousing the curiosity of the one who reads our curriculum vitae, and consequently, of the person who will hire us.

3. Correct size

Resumes should be neither too long nor too short. One of the aspects that we must emphasize in order to improve our curriculum vitae is that  the professional trajectory is shorter than the years worked.  By this we mean that it is better to emphasize having worked for many years in the same company than in many, so as not to give the image of an unstable person.

It is not necessary to include too much information relating to our school and / or university course unless it is relevant. All ancillary trivia must be discarded so as not to result in tediousness. The ideal resume size is between one and two pages, with three too many.

4. Do not include our hobbies

Many people, in an attempt to be close to recruiters, include too much personal information. Besides being a mistake, it gives a feeling of unprofessionalism. It is advisable to include a presentation and objectives, but only an excerpt.

Likewise , one should not use too many technical details. We must seek an intermediary between formality and proximity, but without reaching these two extremes.

5. Obtain letters of recommendation

Many job postings require the submission of letters of recommendation. Obtaining them can be difficult, especially if we have not had contact with former teachers for a long time. In such cases it is advisable to request a meeting with them. 

The same is true of our former employers. The difficulty will be less here if they are still in place. It is important to clarify, however, that not  all companies make letters of recommendation a mandatory requirement.

job interview

6. Good writing

Grammatical and spelling errors are completely prohibited. We need to review our resume to avoid mistakes that could cost us a job.

While this recommendation may sound absurd, it is something that is taken into account. A resume full of mistakes not only portrays an ignorant person, but also a lazy employee. 

7. Volunteering scores points

Volunteering is not compulsory, but is highly recommended. Besides giving us experience, it is a plus in terms of our value as a candidate. Let’s find a cause that interests us and do a few months of volunteering. We will learn a lot and we may even decide to stay there longer.

All companies appreciate workers engaged in social causes. Showing integrity and concern for others will not only improve our professional careers, but our lives as well.

The curriculum vitae is an important part when choosing a candidate, but it is not the only one. Not filling it with irrelevant information, filling it with truthful data, and engaging  in worthy causes are just a few of the things to consider.

Each company and institution is different, and it is therefore necessary to learn about it. Being aware of the latest news in the sector will be an additional element in our favor, even though this is data that cannot be included in a curriculum vitae, but can be highlighted during an interview.

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