A Hug Is A Love Poem Written Directly On The Skin

A hug is a love poem written on the skin

A hug is a love poem written on the skin that breaks all your fears and isolates all the weight you carry on your shoulders.

A hug may not seem like much… yet it has significant emotional healing power.

Usually, a hug helps us reaffirm our feelings and fuel our relationships.

Thanks to it, we feel cherished and loved in our living space, but we also cultivate our ability to get up and overcome our vertigo every day.


To love and to be loved is the most beautiful thing that can happen to us. To be sure, all you need to do is realize the whole range of tenderly blinding emotions that open up to you when you hug someone .


Some hugs put our pieces back together

Some hugs have the ability to bring together all of the parts of us that one day broke due to events that choked our soul.

From the moment we have to say goodbye, whether to a person or to a part of ourselves, we change, and we will never be the same again.

After the farewells and the ruptures, we have to find ourselves again, outline our priorities again, revive a part of us that remains dead, and thread the needles that lead us on the path of the “red thread of our destiny”.

This is why, once our castle has collapsed and our life has collapsed, hugs compose melodies that show us that all is well, and that our world will evolve in peace if we leave the notes of love transforming into soft hugs filled with moments of silence.

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Hugs, those moments that invite us to live a perfect dream

Hugs are moments when happiness finds us as a person. Sometimes a hug is more than words ; indeed, it has the ability to rejuvenate our dreams as well as our motivation to live.

The poems we are telling you about in this article are not written directly on the skin, but they are tattooed inside us with the ink of all these hormones which strengthen our bonds, which make our heart beat, and which fill us with purity. , love and comfort.


In addition, sometimes the stress is too much, and the difficulties of life reduce our desires as well as the strengths we need to live fully and to fill our days with happiness.


The doses of tenderness, the cause of our attention

The well-being that we feel when we are “victims” of a hug leads us to love even more, and to hope to receive many more hugs in these times when we need it most.

Turning life and tenderness into a drug allows us to overcome uncertainty and suffering and to glimpse a window through which we could take the air and revitalize our body as well as our mind.

There are people who will always be there for us, who will open their pharmacy to anticipate our injuries, who will come out of bandages and who will not be stingy in painkillers.


This is why we admire our ability to hug so much, because it is an amazing way to connect, to join forces to win every battle and to help us endure what is left for us to go through.


When they’re genuine, hugs are more than just temporary feelings. They reconstruct us and heal our wounds of life, they blur the cold and condense the warmth of love that exists between two people who love each other and who will always be willing to bind their hearts and submit to life.

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