Breathe And Fear Not, For What Is True … Endures

Breathe and fear not, for what is true ... endures

True love is born from the meeting between two similar souls who come together thanks to two mature and conscious minds, who respect each other, who want to be free but who choose to walk side by side. So have confidence and fear not. Do not sow fears and worries in your heart because what is authentic endures, what is beautiful protects itself and must not hurt.

We know that today, many believe in this idea of ​​love despite the disappointments they have experienced but there is a word in which we no longer believe at all: endurance.  How to achieve this? We live in the era of planned obsolescence, almost everything has an expiration date. In addition, philosophical currents like that of Zygmunt Bauman, father of liquid modernity and that of the astonishing Slavoj Zizek, with his acid social disenchantment, draw us a reality where nothing lasts, and where everything that transcends us contains very little positive.

“To love is not to look at each other, it is to look together in the same direction”.

-Antoine de Saint-Exupéry-

So, in this present where most people are connected to social discontent and where changes are always the order of the day… How can we trust that there are dimensions that really endure? How can we believe in firm feelings, in eternal loves, in relationships that never admit defeat?

Sir Francis Bacon said that people are willing to believe what they want. So, to build something real, a satisfying, happy and lasting relationship, we need not only to trust in love, but also to believe in it, to devote time, effort and tenderness for this. special person, whom we love. Because what we love and what we take care of has more possibilities to endure.

True love in times of crisis and neuroscience

Love in times of crisis is not easy. This is not the case either when there are economic difficulties, when the young people of today lack the means and resources to achieve independence, to create a firm couple project who has reasonable expectations for the future. It is not easy either for anyone affected by unemployment: a period of crisis, uncertainties and anxieties which has a direct impact on the image that one has of oneself, which directly attacks his projects. of life and which has repercussions on personal development. Dimensions that considerably affect this bond full of nuances that is a couple relationship.

True love is one who has learned to walk a tightrope with ease. Because life is not easy, we know it, but love, the true one, knows how to maintain the balance in spite of the pitfalls, in spite of the external crises and especially the internal crises. Those which make us doubt ourselves, in which hopes, convictions and personal esteem are crumbling …

A good spouse, the conscious lover and the exceptional person knows how to become our center, our reference star, the brightest in the night sky, the one who guides us to return home …

Because, let’s face it, in reality it doesn’t matter whether neuroscience tells us that loving is the simple result of three ingredients: dopamine, oxytocin and norepinephrine. It does not matter because the neurobiological reality does not knock out an ounce of magic and even less the know-how.

True love: an unexpected chance that must be pampered

Stephen Hawking once said that love is much more complicated than physics and sometimes we spend so much time looking at the sky that we forget what we value most on Earth. Either way, sometimes we overlook that feeling when we know it is genuine and that it is the chosen one. This type of behavior is complex, heterogeneous and leads to moments incomprehensible to reason.

-Françoise Sagan-

Love is strange, no doubt, but as Haruki Murakami said in

So, if this happens in your life and you experience this wonderful coincidence… why not do it well? Why not anchor your feet to the ground, your heart in the center, and your mind at the level of maturity and responsibility?

It is worth it, without a doubt, because whoever saw us, while we were invisible to others, deserves everything. Because whoever prefers you without needing you will take great care of you as you deserve, over low heat, open flame and patiently, letting time and happiness make this love something lasting.

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