Do Men And Women Feel The Same Way?

Do men and women feel the same way?

It may be that this question is a motivation to delve into our memories and realize that there are many differences in the way men and women act. However, the most important is not the way in which everyone expresses their emotions. The question in itself is:  do men and women feel the same way?

Studies conducted by Dr. Gottman concluded that despite the differences found in the way emotions are expressed, men and women experience things very similarly. Other studies done at the University of Cambridge, England, by Professor Baron-Cohen, found that the male brain and the female brain are structured in different ways.

The female brain is said to be codified for empathy, unlike men who have a structured brain for understanding and building systems. These differences would become more and more visible throughout their growth, especially during adolescence, when testosterone levels rise and create more differences between men and women.

This is why the female brain would be better prepared for reading emotional expressions or moods and the male brain for capturing structures and systems. This does not mean that men cannot understand the emotions of others or that women are unable to build structures:  it means that the female and male brain is predisposed to one type of activity and will need more. effort or conscious effort to do what his brain is not so prepared for.

a man and a woman in the countryside

Can we learn to express emotions?

If we understand that  our behavior is influenced by a genetic part and an environmental part, almost at the same level,  we will be able to realize that, even if our brain is prepared to pick up a certain type of stimulus, the context and the environment we also predispose to some type of event.

Our roots and our ancestors leave a mark in us and in future generations. In the majority of societies, the man was the one who had to look for food and work for his family and even if he felt pain or pain when leaving, he had to hide these emotions so that the absence is less painful and to exercise his role as a male figure within the group.

Dr Fisher also argues that  women,  on the other hand, should stay home and pay attention to the upbringing of children. It was for this reason that their empathy grew faster. They needed to stay alert so they could know quickly if their children and their homes needed them.

So the brain has structured itself this way, perhaps not by feeling things but by having to express emotions. Moreover, it is possible to identify an effort and a change in the educational system: in an attempt to guarantee equal opportunities,  education in emotions is more and more normal. Emotional intelligence is seen as a very important factor in the development of children today.


More differences in expression than in what is felt

We can conclude, with all this, that despite the small cerebral differences that exist between the male brain and the female brain,  the greatest inequalities are in the way of expressing oneself and not in the way of feeling things.

We can also conclude that even if there are differences between the two groups, there will always be more differences within the same group: in other words,  we will find more differences between women or between men at the level feelings and expression only between the two groups. 

As adults  we play a very important role in education. This responsibility will only be fulfilled when we are able to guarantee equal opportunities between men and women, considering the potential of the person and avoiding that the differences we have spoken about serve as an excuse to maintain certain stereotypes and prejudices. So  we can all feel things and express ourselves in the same way. Not being afraid of emotions is what makes us strong; Knowing how to express each of these emotions is what makes us human, whether we are men or women.


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