Don’t Look, Let Others Find You

Don't look, let others find you

Life is too short to waste time chasing someone you don’t care about. There’s no point in following someone who already knows where you are, where you live, and who knows your mysteries.

What is certain is that there are people for whom we do not matter but who matter to us.

In this case, it may seem difficult for us to understand the situation, because the interest that one may have in others does not speak the language of selfishness.


Remember that your phone number has not changed, and there is no lack of time, unlike lack of interest. Tell yourself that if someone wants to see you, they can move heaven and earth to share even a few seconds with you.

Tenderness cannot be begged for

The fact of crawling and begging for crumbs of a tenderness that we do not want to give us, it is not healthy, whether in the short or long term.

However, it may be that certain demonstrations manage to soften us and that they serve us to find reasons to remain anchored in the desire that this person does not leave our life.

If you think about it, the only thing you do by adopting such an attitude is unnecessarily prolonging the emotional pain. By submitting to the will of others, we become the puppets of their needs and other whims.


In that sense, obviously, there are things that happen because they have to happen, but there are also things that happen because we make them happen. We cannot feel free or be happy if our life depends on hopes which in turn depend on others.


Let the wind blow on all those unnecessary things that parasitize your life

It’s hard to let go or let go of the things that belong to us, whether it’s feelings or people.

In other words, some of the weight we carry on our shoulders is nothing more than a sense of identity and belonging coupled with our fear of losing something that is essential to us.

However, even though all of this emotional chaos binds us to some people, the fact that these people do not pay attention to us despite our best efforts, ends up tiring us.

As soon as we realize this, we then feel somewhat selfish, which is terrible for our emotional health.


It is extremely common to feel that if we do not resist a little more a situation or certain people, we fail, is something extremely common. The basis of this feeling is the fear that comes with facing this emptiness generated by loss.


In other words, we think that if we stop sacrificing ourselves, we lose the opportunity to build a part of the emotional history of our life.

However, what we actually do when we adopt such an attitude is to behave in the most cruel way possible with ourselves, with our expectations and our desires.



The path to emotional freedom is made of all these stones that we throw; in other words, toxic feelings and people to get rid of.


This is the only way for us to make room for our strengths, to take responsibility for our mistakes and to succeed in manifesting our intentions and our commitment.

In this way, we avoid the negative settling in us to the detriment of the positive, and thus we manage to feel more enthusiasm for our life and our well-being.

The strongest is not the one who resists the most, but the one who is the most capable of “letting go”

If your life doesn’t make you happy… LET GO

If you are not fulfilled and you are not building anything … LET GO

If you don’t evolve … LET GO

If you stay in your comfort zone and don’t try to get out of it… LET GO

If you don’t recognize your talents… LET GO

If you’re not taking care of yourself… LET GO

If you don’t do anything to make a fresh start… LET GO

If you say, but don’t… LET GO

If you don’t make time for yourself… LET GO

If you’re trying to change the way you are… LET GO

If the “I” prevails… LET GO

If there are more disagreements than agreements… LET GO

If your life is simply not right for you … LET GO

LET YOURSELF GO… The fall will be much less painful. Stop thinking about what you used to be but what you are no longer.



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