Fibromyalgia, Or The Pain That Society Does Not See And Understand

Fibromyalgia, or the pain that society doesn't see and understand

Fibromyalgia was recognized as a disease by the World Health Organization (WHO) in 1992. Today, fibromyalgia affects 4% of the population, and almost 90% are women.

Fibromyalgia is considered an “invisible disease” because it affects all the soft parts of the musculoskeletal system and cannot be easily diagnosed through medical tests.

This is because fibromyalgia cannot be seen, does not leave marks on the skin and does not produce injuries that others could see. It is a lonely, hopeless pain.


Suffering from fibromyalgia is very hard: I don’t know in what state I will wake up today, if I will be able to move, if I will be able to laugh or if I will only want to cry… What I know , on the other hand, it is that I do not pretend: I suffer from a chronic disease.


To this day, we still do not know the etiology of this disease. However, what we know is that year after year, more and more people are diagnosed, hence the fact that we are currently seeking to intervene in the most comprehensive way possible, which logically includes the bio-psycho-social aspect.

That is why, in this article, we would like to give you some basic rules so that you can face the disease with strength, and improve your quality of life as much as possible.


Fibromyalgia: the real disease that cannot be seen

When a person cannot get out of bed because they feel “burning needles” stuck in their joints, they are not pretending, nor are they looking for an excuse not to go to work.

Those who suffer from fibromyalgia must overcome their own illness in social incomprehension, and the sensation of feeling invisible in a world that only believes what it sees.

The main problem with FM (fibromyalgia) lies in controversy; it is not known whether its origin is psychological or mechanical.

These would be the main conclusions that the experts tell us:

Possible origin of fibromyalgia

First of all, it is necessary to know that it has never been scientifically proven that fibromyalgia could be linked to a psychiatric illness.

  • According to some authors, about 47% of patients suffer from anxiety. However, it must also be taken into account that this psychological dimension can be a response to the pain itself, to the disease itself.
  • According to a study published in the journal Arthritis & Rheumatology , those with fibromyalgia experience greater hypersensitivity to daily sensory stimulation.
  • Thanks to MRI, the researchers discovered that when faced with visual, tactile, olfactory or auditory stimulation, the regions of brain sensory integration suffer from more over-stimulation than usual.
  • People with fibromyalgia have a greater number of sensory nerve fibers in their blood vessels, so any stimulation or temperature change will drift into severe pain.

Something to be aware of is that any emotional factor can increase the sensation of pain in these nerve fibers.

A one-time stressful situation will drift into over-stimulation as well as pain, and in turn, the sensation of pain and chronic fatigue will lead the patient to defenselessness or even depression.

We then fall into a vicious circle where a disease of mechanical origin is accentuated by the psychological factor. This is why it is worth controlling the emotional dimension, in order to attenuate, or at least to “control” the etiological origin.

Psychological strategies to deal with fibromylagy

Chronic pain is part of our social reality, fibromyalgia (FM) being one of the main causes.

Now that we know that factors such as stress or sadness can increase the feeling of suffering, it is important to introduce some basic coping strategies that can help us.


Today, you got up, you got dressed, and you were able to go out into the street. No one will notice your victories, but these small successes are important to you and should give you strength: you can be stronger than illness.


5 keys to enjoying a better quality of life

First of all, we must not forget that not everyone will be sensitive to the same strategies.

You have to find the right ones, according to your particularity and your needs.

So, try out several, and choose for yourself which ones will soothe you the most.

  • Understand your illness: it involves being in contact with specialists, doctors and psychologists. Multidisciplinary treatments are needed, and each of them will allow you to learn more about this disease and to “understand” your enemy. This way you will be more confident and informed.
  • Instill a positive attitude in your life: we know that it is not easy, but rather than reacting to the pain, it is better to accept it and deal with it; don’t get depressed. Don’t hesitate to talk to people who are suffering from the same thing as you, don’t isolate yourself, and don’t hold a grudge against those around you.
  • Find attitudes that allow you to cope with stress and anxiety: There are very good relaxation techniques that can help you. Yoga, for example, can also be very beneficial.
  • Never lose control of your life, do not let pain dominate you: to do this, institute daily moments of leisure, however small they may be. Take a walk and don’t avoid social contact.
  • Take care of your emotions, your thoughts and your language: what you think and what you feel has a direct influence on the disease. If you say things like “I am not going to be able to stand up”, “this problem has no solution” or “I have no more strength”, you will increase your suffering.

Stop saying that kind of thing, and you will see how your reality will change.


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