How Does The Mind Of A Corrupt Person Work?

In the mind of a corrupt person, the other is a means or an obstacle. These are people who do not feel that they are part of humanity, but who try to fight it. A behavior that is made possible by their egocentricity and their lack of perspective.
How does the mind of a corrupt person work?

Oddly enough, the mind of a corrupt person is not a dark, indecipherable sewer. As the facts show, it is found in many people we call “successful” in all fields.

The kind of people that a lot of companies or political parties want on their boards. And this, because they have “that little something extra” to get by.

Psychologist Jean Twenge, author of the book Generation Je , says that the mind of a corrupt person is haunted by the fascination of who they are. They are “happy to get to know each other” and very adaptable individuals, precisely because of their lack of ethics. They are increasingly needed in power circles, especially over the past 40 years.

In the mind of a corrupt person, the insecurities that inhabit so many mortals are not present, nor is pessimism. It triumphs in particular because during these last decades, a kind of cult of the ego has consolidated, which makes tolerable the selfishness and the lack of scruples of these characters.

Corrupt person, natural selfishness.

Natural and ethical egoism

According to psychologist Luis Fernández, professor of psychology at the University of Santiago de Compostela and author of the book Psychology of corruption and the corrupt , every human being is born with a seed of evil. He says if we are given the opportunity, we will skip the rules with no problem.

And if we come to a position of power, we will use it for personal interests. However, it is nonetheless true that there is a distance between this type of psychological economy which leads us to seek the easiest paths and the lack of scruples that are in the mind of a corrupt person. .

It is obvious that we were born without ethics or, rather, that the only possible ethics at birth is that which consists in satisfying our needs and our desires without there being any a priori reason not to use others as simple instruments. Ethics are formed and cultivated according to intelligence and culture.

The training helps to understand that you get better results when you stop behaving like a horde and start to integrate into a team. We already learn it in the early years through play and family life.

Therefore, we know that certain actions are beneficial individually, but we learn to see the other as part of the human landscape we inhabit. We understand that we need each other.

Without the help of others, we would not even have survived birth. And we could not survive the vicissitudes of disease, old age or any other form of vulnerability.

The mind of a corrupt person

We do not learn to adopt a constructive attitude towards others without the love and dedication of imperfect adults who are generous and understanding enough to carry the message of civilization. Ethics is a mental learning, strongly rooted in the affections.

In the mind of a corrupt person, there are no such references. It is built on scarcity and the fight against the world for survival. Breaking the rule is an efficiency test for them that they have to complete over and over again. They make it a game with traces of fun, because enjoying others is a way of validating yourself.

The corrupt see no advantage in respecting the other, but see him as an obstacle. They don’t even have in their minds or hearts the concept of the “other” as such.

These people desire power and money, because it creates the illusion of control over the world. They don’t care about having sycophants instead of friends, or possessions instead of meaning in life. It’s all about domination, even if it’s superfluous.

The mind of a corrupt person is very adaptable.

A fleeting triumph

The mind of a corrupt person is very adaptable and works fine as long as there is a right context for breaking the norm. The corrupt are the eternal generators of crisis for their families, the companies where they work and the society in which they live. They don’t care. The problem is, sooner or later they make a mistake.

The corrupt carry within them the germ of their own destruction: believing themselves to be invulnerable. Their egocentricity prevents them from making an objective assessment of reality. This, sooner or later, becomes a strategic error. It is then that they become the object of collective contempt and that their loneliness is revealed to them.

The question that remains is why those around these corrupt little people tolerate them. Companies often think that nothing can be done about it. In this case, that feeling of helplessness can sooner or later turn into an active outrage that collectively sets limits for this type of character.

Corruption from a psychological perspective
Our thoughts Our thoughts

Find out what corruption is from a psychological point of view, and how it applies in everyday life.

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