How To Be Efficient When You Need To Make A Quick Decision

When it comes to making a quick decision on an important topic that can have far-reaching consequences, your best bet is to reduce the pressure, take a holistic assessment of the situation, and believe in what we have already accomplished.
How to be efficient when you need to make a quick decision

In the best of all possible worlds, we could take the time necessary to calmly think about the steps to take and thus identify the most suitable path. However, very often we find ourselves forced to make a quick decision because the circumstances demand it.

The downside of haste is that it frequently leads to error. The problem is, sometimes we don’t have a choice. We have to make a quick decision and even if it is not optimal, if we do not take it, negative consequences could ensue.

If the situation is relatively straightforward, we probably won’t have a hard time making a quick decision. We just let ourselves be carried away by our intuition, and that’s it.

However,  if it is a complex situation, things change. In this case, it is not enough to let ourselves be carried away spontaneously. But then, what to do? The following tips may help you in these cases.

A thoughtful woman.

The pressure when it comes to making a quick decision

We should take all our time to resolve the problem, even if we have to make a quick decision. Sometimes we feel like we have our backs to the wall and we solve problems by being very anxious.

This anxiety changes our perception and that is not good. We see the risks bigger (or smaller) and we tend to overlook the details. Therefore, it is best to take a few minutes to calm down. Breathing a little helps relieve pressure and helps you think more clearly.

Clearly define the decision to be made

Sometimes we don’t really know what to decide. One of the factors which helps to clarify this aspect is the fact of specifying the objective to be achieved. Why do you have to make a quick decision? To succeed in doing what / to avoid what?

Once you know exactly what you need to decide, it will also be possible for you to know if this decision is really your responsibility or if you need to delegate it to someone else. It is best to delegate when someone has greater knowledge or expertise on the problem at hand.

Perform a risk assessment

If the decision is up to you and you have to take it in a short period of time; Either way, take a few minutes to do a risk assessment. You just have to identify the main danger of the decision you need to make.

If the risk is very high, visualize the main consequence of not making an immediate decision. If you see that you have a margin of waiting, it is better to take it. On the other hand, if the problem cannot be pushed back, try to be very conservative in what to do next.

Is there a need for any important data or information?

It is very likely that, faced with the urgency of making a quick decision, you will not have all the information you need; if you have very little time, you will not be able to collect all the information. necessary data; however, you must have the most important.

Based on a light risk assessment,  try to determine if you are missing any relevant data or information, as this increases the risk. If so, find out how to get that data. The more it affects the end result, the more important it will be to know it exactly.

A man who is thinking about a decision.

Apply a 10-10-10 express

The 10-10-10 technique is very useful for making decisions under normal conditions. It is also adequate for solving something when you are under pressure and have little time. Its advantage is that it helps you project the effects of the decision.

Imagine how you will feel in 10 minutes, 10 months, or 10 years after you make the decision, one way or another. Any choice implies short, medium and long term consequences. This technique helps you visualize these effects.

Try to be consistent

Faced with the need to make a quick decision, making changes in the way you think or act is not a good idea. In other words, it’s not the ideal situation to get creative or to attempt something you’ve never done before.

Build on your beliefs and previous experiences. Trust what you know and don’t make significant changes. When you decide quickly, you take a risk; however, if you start from already known bases, you can minimize the latter.

As soon as you can, ask or demand more time to make an important decision. Sometimes it will not be possible to obtain it. In these cases, you need to believe in your gut feelings and your personal resources to make the right decision.

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