I Get Lost, I Look For Myself And Sometimes I Find Myself

I get lost, I look for myself and sometimes I find myself

Sometimes I get lost in a thousand ramblings and everyday concerns, giving my attention to people who don’t deserve it and circumstances that don’t matter.

I’m afraid of things that will probably never happen, I drown in details, not focusing on what is really important.

Every day, I need to stop for a second to look inside myself for who I really am, to look for what is hidden behind the smiles that I don’t feel, behind the looks that others cannot hide.

I only find myself sometimes and see who I really am, but I feel so small that I hide again so that no one sees me, to use as a shield a smile that is not mine and that I borrowed to a person, who is not me.

I get lost because of the speed of things

For most of us, reality races at lightning speed. We hardly have time to do the millions of tasks that are asked of us, we run to go to work, to pick up the children from school, to go out for dinner, and even to go on vacation.

But where is the space where we find ourselves with ourselves?

Sad-pensive girl

You have to try to stop the things that are happening at record speed, to find your own space, and to create a place to enjoy what you love the most.

Stop for a bit, breathe, look around, observe the sky, the clouds, the trees and enjoy!

Listen to your heart

Our heart talks to us often but we are more attentive to what our head is saying, to all the things we need to do, and quickly. But if we stop for a moment to listen to our every heartbeat, we will take the pulse of our life.

What is your heart telling you? Listen carefully as each beat whispers words that sometimes we don’t want to hear or that scare us, but are necessary.

If your heart is telling you that something in your life needs to change, now is the time to face the fears and make possible what seems impossible.

Being afraid that something will change is human, but in general you learn from changes and come out much stronger.

Let yourself be caressed by loneliness

Loneliness is a sometimes necessary state that helps us find ourselves, who we really are and what is in our being.

When we move away from noise and other people, we learn to listen to the silence, to listen to what we are thinking, and to reflect on our beliefs.


When we are alone, we are able to appreciate the small details that surround us, to see life in its infinite nuances and to love its colors, its smells and its tastes.

Look for that moment of loneliness, to find yourself. Let loneliness caress and comfort you.

Find your place

Throughout our lives, we get lost many times, we get it wrong, we get it right, we get it right and we get it wrong again.

But we are always learning, because with each step we are getting closer and closer to the place we should occupy in the world.

Maybe now is the time to wake up to life, to put aside winning and losing, to open our eyes and see where we are and who we are.

Finding yourself means trusting, accepting yourself and above all connecting with our deepest desires and feelings. 

We revolve too much around a place that we don’t even feel comfortable with, but when we find it, we know for sure that it is this one, that nothing will be able to move us from that place, because our roots have already grown there and found what we longed for: ourselves.

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