I Listen To Others, But I Decide

I listen to others, but it's me who decides

Some songs say that you cannot understand the meaning and importance of life without a good coffee with friends, perhaps because it is during these cafes with friends that the best conversations take place and that arise. the most useful tips.

Indeed, in times when we have to make an important decision, these coffees represent for us pure energy.

We listen to others, others listen to us, and ultimately it is we who decide.

On the other hand, who says coffee means any other moment of rapprochement with others, since being with our loved ones, it seriously benefits our emotional health and helps us to manage all these complicated situations that we have to face on a daily basis.

In this sense, allowing our inner “self” to express what it feels to the people who make up our most valued social circle, this brings us various advantages, especially in times of worry, during which we can sometimes get away from it all. feel really confused.

There are many difficult paths that open to us, and walking accompanied is to gain stability.

“The tree of life is communication with friends; the fruit of this tree is the rest and the confidence we give them. ”

-Francisco de Quevedo-

Listening helps us see what we can’t see

The first big advantage of being listened to is undoubtedly the fact that we have the possibility of considering another point of view : problems stifle us, put pressure on us and burden us with a certain responsibility. , so that a simple glance that cannot be interpreted positively can lead us to ask ourselves questions.


Imagine: you work, and to some extent you love what you do. However, as much as you like the job, it requires you to live away from your family.

One day, you are offered another job, which has nothing to do with your area of ​​expertise, but which would allow you to be alongside yours. What decision would you make?

It is not easy to be in such a situation and to take enough distance to understand what each of the possible decisions involves.

This is why, in these cases, we appeal to those who are always there for us, and who are said to be able to heal us.

They will give us their point of view, they will let us see the pros and cons that we cannot see, and ultimately we will make our decision.

Individual decision is motivated by the strength of others

Any decision must have a margin of error, since taking the risk of change also implies the possibility of losing something; it is a condition that we are obliged to accept.

Therefore, this is where the second big advantage lies: the more confused an issue makes us, the more we will need the strength and wisdom of others.

How many times have we wanted someone to listen to us when basically all we were looking for was the strength we lacked to make a decision?

We are the ones who decide, sure, but sometimes we need a helping hand, a hug, a few words of support, to make sure that whatever happens, there will be someone there. who will be there for us.


“Whoever loses the most

because he is unable to listen to others is himself ”

-Jorge González Moore-

Any individual decision is therefore driven by the strength of others, because their warm advice reminds us that above all else, they love us, and that they only try to help us achieve what is best for us. we.

We decide, because the results directly affect us

What is certain is that the basis of the hypothesis “I listen to others, but it is I who decides” supposes a reality where our decisions can depend on several people, but the consequences of which fall only on us. .


It is absolutely beneficial, as we have previously stated, to let others bring us their perspective on the different options available to us, but anyway, in the end, we are masters and masters. absolute.es of our actions.

No one will take responsibility for anything that only affects you, no one will take responsibility for the mistakes caused by the decisions you make, and no one will feel guilty for the weight of the path you choose to take. .


“Because no one can know for you. No one can grow up for you. No one can search for you.

No one can do for you what you have to do yourself.

Life admits no representative. ”

-Jorge Bucay-


So take all this into account, and don’t refuse to listen to others even if you don’t agree with what they tell you, don’t tell yourself that the solutions they offer you are not formulated in kindness.

So open your mind to these other looks, if of course you are able not to lose yours completely.

You know what you need and how you need it, only you can live your way, decide for yourself, act for yourself.

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