I Love Myself As I Am And I Will Not Change For You

I love myself as I am and I won't change for you

I’m not going to change for you, don’t ask me to be more docile, to be thinner, to give up my passions to fill your void.

I love myself as I am, then you will have to accept me with all my nuances, because this is where my happiness and my integrity reside.

Experts tell us that we tend to change our personalities at some point for three reasons : to adapt to a certain environment, to achieve a goal, or to avoid something that displeases us or scares us.

Whether we believe it or not, this is something that is frequently observed in relationships.

There are those who nowadays think that getting into a relationship is giving up everything for the other person. Without concessions.

It is in these kinds of situations, in which many people gradually cement their character, that they adjust to their other half to “please” and achieve a goal which, sooner or later, will become nonsense.

The one who renounces himself has lost, the one who changes what defines him to make his half happy, is no longer himself.

Thus, the relationship can be nothing but a doomed farce, in which one dominates while the other wears a mask that does not identify him. Don’t accept it.

I won’t change for you, I will grow up with you

girl on bicycle

Personality is a psychological construct that is built throughout our life, thanks to the experiences and the importance we place on them.

We are a mixture of virtues, limitations, fads, values, dreams and expectations that we cannot change overnight. It would not be healthy or logical.

However, there are those who do everything to change the world, to adjust it to their expectations, without understanding until their own life brings them enough changes, where it is necessary to have a strong personality but one that adapts. , able to face the unexpected.

It is essential to underline an important point: to change is not a bad thing if the need is felt deep inside.

People need certain changes in their thinking, goals and attitudes to adapt and achieve balance and personal growth.

  • So if these changes in question are, as we said, voluntary and come from ourselves, then there will be no problem.
  • Another detail to take into account is that one should not think that when someone experiences a relationship based on inequality and unhappiness, it is because one of the partners obliges the other to change.
  • Those who pretend to be someone else in order to be loved are actually people who don’t love themselves.
    Even though for a long time they believed that they were happy and that all was well, little by little their self-esteem deteriorated and degraded like an old sand castle on the water’s edge.
woman with flowers on face

I don’t wanna change for you to love me, love me for who I am

You don’t have to say things you don’t mean, just be right for the fun of it, to pretend you’re the person other people want you to be.

If you adopt this attitude, one day you will no longer know who you are, what you want or what keeps you alive.

  • It is important that whoever loves you – whether it is your significant other, your friends or your family – loves you not only for who you are, but also “despite” who you are.
    In other words, these people must love you, with your good sides and your bad sides, with your successes and your scars.
  • Maybe you want to find love, to have real friends, but before all this it is necessary to prepare yourself for being in a relationship and to prepare yourself to be a friend.
    If you know who you are and feel good about yourself, you will be able to offer all the best to others.

I won’t change for you, I will walk by your side

We change day by day, but we never lose our essence, our principles and our values.

This is why we must not give up in the face of what defines us, because we would no longer be ourselves.

  • If someone is forcing you to change, they don’t like who you really are. And if he doesn’t like your personality, it’s not you, it’s just that the other person isn’t able to accept what’s in front of them.
  • People bond with each other to grow, not to be limited, to move forward together and not to trip up each other, to build new horizons and not to dispel them.
    If they persist in wanting to change you, there will only be bad times and injuries. Don’t accept it.
man with his dog

Images courtesy of Pascal Campion and Junne Kim.

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