I Love That You Turn Small Moments Into Big Moments

I love that you turn small moments into big moments

I like you because with you, life seems easy. You do not know the tricks or the excuses, and there is never any question of distance or selfishness when I am with you. It is something that does not run the streets these days.

We are talking about important relationships, which include friendship as well as affection within a couple or connection with a relative. 

In reality, it is not easy to build this type of harmonious relationship where the weight of the scales is balanced and where, without knowing how, small moments become great moments.

There are always one, two or three people who are particularly occupying our thoughts during the day.

It does not necessarily have to be exclusively our spouse. Friends are also those important beings with whom we like to share a thought, a chance experience, a desire …

Without knowing how, these very fine golden threads are woven which unite us to each other. It is undoubtedly these “special people” who settle in our hearts without our knowing very well why, but who give us pleasure.

They suit us in terms of values, feelings, and especially in reciprocity.

The 4 pillars of important relationships


As people, as human beings, we build our relationships based mostly on something irrational and on an emotional level.

“We let ourselves be carried away” by this inexplicable connection which creates links one after the other.

Life is almost always woven from chance: that co-worker you run into, that college friend who failed in the same subject as you, that friend of a friend you met at a party …

Daily life is a life and moments during which we establish new links which will be more or less important if they fulfill these 4 principles.

First principle: affection

Affection is and always will be the main pillar that sustains genuine relationships, those that last a lifetime, those that don’t care about time and distance.

I love you because I know that you care for me, because my affection is sincere and I wish the best for you, just like you wish the best for me …

We’re not just talking about relationships. The sincere love, the tenderness which protects, which heals and which worries also is essential in the friendships and in the family bonds.

Because the one who loves us truly respects us and recognizes us as an important person in his life.

We need this affection to feel sure of ourselves, to be connected to the earth,  to feel good about ourselves.


Second principle: we see the positive side of others

This dimension is really essential. You have certainly experienced this feeling with someone who seeks almost exclusively to bring out all the negative there is in you: your flaws, your mistakes, your fears and your worries.

  • When we meet someone who values ​​who we are in a positive way, who accepts our shortcomings, and instead of judging us, encourages us to become better every day, we know we hold a real treasure.
  • You have to understand that in order to be able to see the positive in others, we have to get rid of a lot of prejudices.
  • There are those who see life in a very limited way, who believe themselves to be totally incapable, and who lack courage and joy. Because of this internal malaise, they only see the faults of others.

Third principle: trust

How many people do you trust in life? The first person we should trust blindly is ourselves.

Then,  something that really enriches us is to count on this daily support,  on this friend, on this spouse, on this mother or on this brother who is always by our side.

  • The person we trust always has a positive opinion of us.
  • She knows how to listen, she knows how to understand and she shows us great empathy.
  • She knows how to team up.
  • She accepts her mistakes and knows how to show us ours in a constructive way.
  • She believes in our abilities.

Fourth principle: a healthy attachment

Concerning the attachment, oddly enough, we have read a lot of things on this topic, we know how to differentiate the healthy attachment from the restrictive attachment, but without knowing how, we always end up falling on a type of relationship where the weight of the balance is against us.

It is therefore important that you take into account these dimensions which are basic to establishing a positive and meaningful relationship.

  • A relationship, whether friendly or romantic, should allow us to grow, move forward, learn … to find our balance.
  • If you notice that in your daily life, you only give in, you give without receiving anything in return and that little by little, you end up not recognizing yourself, think about your situation.
  • People who establish their links on a healthy attachment respect spaces, know how to enrich without imposing, and understand that life is about giving and not repressing.

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