Is It Normal To Have Anxiety For No Reason?

Have you ever felt anxiety without being able to justify it? In this article, we explain to you why we sometimes have this disconcerting experience.
Is it normal to have anxiety for no reason?

Feeling anxious for no reason is one of the most frequent problems for which the population seeks the help of specialists in psychology. Many people therefore experience anxiety without knowing what the causal factors are at the origin of this condition.

Anxious people invest time and analytical skills in trying to find a reasonable explanation for this body reaction. And this, especially when they did not find it during a first inspection. Is Suffering From Anxiety For No Reason Normal?

Feeling anxious for no reason.

Characteristics of anxiety

Anxiety can be thought of as a future-oriented state of mind. It comes with other emotions such as fear, worry, etc. Symptoms of anxiety are usually as follows:

  • Increased muscle tension.
  • Frequent urination.
  • Sensation of dryness in the mouth.
  • Dizziness
  • Increased heart rate.
  • Pressure in the chest.
  • Difficulty breathing.
  • Knot in the throat.
  • Excessive sweating
  • Feeling of lack of control.

These symptoms form what we call physical anxiety. They give rise to the activation of the sympathetic nervous system in the face of the perception of danger, a system that we have in common with animals.

Imagine, for example, that you open the door to your house and find a hungry tiger. Logically, your first reaction will be to close the door as quickly as possible in order to be safe. That is, your activation system generated an alarm in the body, which then generated a response to put you to safety.

The difference between animals and humans is that the latter associate problem-solving logic with internal sensations. In other words, some unpleasant feelings or emotions are considered dangerous, and because they are considered dangerous, anxiety arises.

Anxiety For No Reason: Is It Normal?

Anxiety can sometimes be adaptive. However, too much fear or anxiety can prevent effective action. When anxiety becomes pathological, people who suffer from it may tend to associate unpleasant sensations with abnormal states.

This association causes people who suffer from it to have the impression that anxiety appears for no reason. This anxiety will appear not only during the associated circumstances, but also in those with similar stimuli.

The paradox of anxiety for no reason

Solution attempts can become the problem if they don’t solve the problem. You may then enter a spiral in which attempts to control anxiety are rooted in the anxiety itself, making it part of the problem. This can be explained with the following exercise:

Experiencing anxiety for no reason is a normal process.

Anxiety for no reason: attempts at control are the problem

Just as you ended up associating the Ferrari with cinnamon buns, so do the situations associated with anxiety. This is one of the reasons why one can feel that anxiety arises for no reason.

One day you are at the beach watching a sunset, enjoying the moment. And suddenly your mind is reminding you that you are not feeling anxiety right now, a thought that can paradoxically trigger your sympathetic nervous system.

It seems to be happening for no reason. However, the body memorizes life experiences (a flood of memories that does not necessarily have to pass through consciousness). These experiences cannot be eliminated from the mind, just as a bird cannot unlearn to fly.

The important thing is to recognize anxiety and know its characteristic symptoms. Once they appear, we must be aware of what we are doing to control them and their cost in our life. It is always a good idea to see a specialist, especially if the anxiety is constant and affects the quality of life.

The Borromean knot in psychoanalysis
Our thoughts Our thoughts

The Borromean knot, which comes from Lacanian psychoanalysis, represents the links which constitute our psychic structure.

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