Learn From Your Mistakes, And If You Stumble, You Won’t Fall But You Will Fly

Learn from your mistakes, and if you stumble you won't fall but you will fly

We have all made many mistakes throughout our lives: relationships with people who have not treated us well, choices that we later regret, whether professionally or personally, words that we didn’t mean and that hurt the other person …

But the important thing is not only to know each learn from our mistakes not to fall, but it is to learn, and to ensure that our error is a simple misstep that allows us to think, and to fly again.

One should not allow oneself to be overcome by discouragement or negative thoughts; it is essential to be able to see beyond, and to give importance to what really deserves it.


“Mistakes are the portals of discovery.”

-James Joyce-

How to learn from mistakes

Learning from the mistakes you make is not easy, because you always tend to do the same thing in similar situations.

However, common sense and logic tell us that if we do the same thing, the same thing will always happen. Have you ever tried to do something drastically different?

In this way, you will begin to show that you have learned from your mistakes and that you are fighting smartly and tenaciously not to make mistakes again the same way.


Sometimes the mistakes we make come from a lack of consistency between what we dream of and our actions.

Maybe our way of life is not the way we want it to be, but if we don’t do anything to change it then everything will seem like a mistake to us, when in fact it is just a mistake. simple lack of consistency.

So analyze your life and make your goals align with what you are going through.

Always think positively

Throughout the day, we punish ourselves with very harsh words that hurt us, such as “I can’t”, “I can’t”, “for me it’s impossible”, etc.

These are phrases that should be immediately replaced with “I’ll try”, “if I make a mistake, it’s okay, it will allow me to learn”, “I’ll do my best” or “I don’t. ‘will not give up’.

If someone is stepping out of your life, maybe it’s because you need to bring someone happier in. If you lose a job, then maybe you need to learn to value yourself and find a job that appeals to you more. If your partner has left you, maybe you need to enjoy yourself, alone.

You didn’t make mistakes, these are things that had to happen for you to mature and learn on your own.


“There is a motive force more powerful than steam, electricity and atomic energy: the will.”

-Albert Einstein-

Don’t stop in the face of failure

It is certain that the errors must be analyzed with attention, in order to be able to understand what are the things which pushed us to make them. But we must not let failure cripple us.

Life is not a straightforward path, no; it is a path full of holes, bends, mountains and perched with all types of obstacles.


“A man can be wrong often, but he only experiences failure when he begins to blame others for his own mistakes.”

-John Borroughs-


Take responsibility

When we make mistakes, we tend to look for the explanation in others or in situations that have nothing to do with us. However, it is important to stop, reflect and take full responsibility.

It is a sign of maturity to take responsibility for the consequences of our mistakes.

Learn to fly

If you learn, if you don’t give up, and if you talk about yourself in a positive way, when you make a mistake, you will smile; it will only be a simple misstep, and you will be able to fly.

You will fly high to your dreams, to your desires, and you won’t let a simple mistake deter you. Take into account that success in life, understood in the broadest sense, is made up of many trials and many failures which will serve as a lesson to you.

Each of us must take responsibility for what is happening in our life and move forward learning from each misstep ; This is the only way we can go further and conquer our dreams.


“If you want, you can fly, you just have to believe in yourself very hard.”

-Steve Jobs-


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