Learn To Let Go So That You Can Receive

Learn to let go so that you can receive

Sometimes letting go is not necessarily a sacrifice or a farewell, but a “thank you” for all the lessons learned. It is letting go of what is not right, in order to be able to be more free and authentic as well as to receive what must happen.

If you think about it for even a minute, you realize that the best decisions, those that are followed by a pleasant state of happiness, involve the fact of having to let go of something . It can be a fear, an anguish, a distance from a place or a person. Renunciation is part of life; it is something natural, because we are all forced to choose what and to whom we devote our time and our efforts.

Let go, trust, be grateful, because we must let go of what does not want to stay, what weighs, what is no longer relevant … In order to ensure that in our heart, only remains which is genuine.

On the other hand, we must not forget that letting go does not only mean cutting the links that veto personal development and happiness; letting go, in some cases, means having to let go of many of our psychological constructions such as ego, resentment, even fear of loneliness, and reformulate them.

Whoever wants to receive must be having prepared his heart to accommodate this nobility that does not understand selfishness, nor internal turmoil.


In today’s society, we have associated achieving certain things with the idea of ​​happiness. “I will be happy when I have made this trip, when I am a couple, when I have my own house, when my salary is increased, when I have a new car, a new phone, when I have lost some kilos, when the new season of my favorite series starts… ”

We buy more and more books in order to learn to be happy and we wait for something to change, and that at some point, everything we have accumulated gives us the answer we expect. Frédéric Beigbeder, famous French writer and publicist, once said that the advertising world does not want people to be happy ; quite simply because happy people “don’t consume”.

Happiness is something that modern societies sell to us as an “illusion”, something that must be brief and fleeting in order to force us to consume more. Hence the “programmed obsolescence” of electronic devices, hence the idea that to be happy, you have to be attractive and wear specific clothes, have lots of friends, and find the ideal love on websites. dating, where relationships can start today and end tomorrow with just one “click” .


We have created a world where values ​​such as ambition and pathological anti-conformism take us completely away from the true meaning of happiness. We live in dependence on what we lack, without realizing how much we actually have in excess. Everything we should let go in order to compensate for the balance, and to be ourselves.

Life is too short to live perpetually frustrated. This is why if we really want to be happy, we must be able to make decisions, to know what and to whom we want to devote our time. However, as you will surely have guessed, to decide, it often implies having to give up, and it is an exercise which one should indulge in a conscious and mature way by assuming the consequences.

To live is to let go, for it is only with empty hands that you can receive.

To help you move forward on this complex path of renunciation and the art of letting go, remember that from the point of view of Buddhist philosophy, happiness is not a mental state of calm and good. -be ; we are interested in calm and wisdom in all that surrounds us in order to guess what serenity offers us as well as the things and people who nourish our soul with respect and keep the storms away from our clear and sunny days. Decide, choose, trust your instincts, and simply let go.


It is also necessary to keep in mind that. Hence the fact that it is worthwhile to reflect a few moments on these dimensions:

  • You have to let go of your need to always be in control over others. We must “be” and let “be”. Anyone who claims personal freedom in order to mature and evolve must be able to be able to offer the same to others in return.
  • You have to give up the need to always be right. To assume one’s mistakes is to grow, and knowing how to remain silent when the moment requires it is to show wisdom.
  • You have to let go of your ego and free yourself from the need to impress, to have to compete with others, to demand attention when no one is watching you, to seek false company at all costs because you fear loneliness. Let go of your fear, and allow yourself to be authentic, to be yourself, that person who is able to give, but also to receive.

Finally, in this complex but exciting daily struggle to be happy, we should all indulge in this healthy exercise of letting go of what weighs on us, loving what we already have, and being grateful for all good things which, without a doubt, are yet to come.

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