Letter To My Future Me

Letter to my future me

I am writing this letter to my future self because I am experiencing sensations that I would not want to forget over the years. I want when the time has passed and my future self has had experiences, he will take this letter and spend a little time thinking and reflecting:  if we don’t know where we came from or who we were, how will we know- we where we are going or what we want?

I just want him to take a break and stop to think …

Letter to my future me: I don’t want you to forget

Dear me, I don’t want you to forget everything that makes you so happy today, because in the projection towards infinity to which this letter corresponds,  I hope that you can  go to bed with a smile every day . Whether it’s thanks to the friends you have, the work you do, the social life you lead, the laziness you overcome in order to keep fighting for what you love, your hobbies, that I hope you haven’t given up. At least not all of them, and if so, that you have found better substitutes for them.

write a letter to a future me

It is likely that when you read this letter, the waters on which you navigate will be filled with joy. Great, take advantage, don’t let the passage of time change that emotion and the smile on your face. Find it and bring it back to life. My wish is that you,  future me, do not get lost in bitter temptations and do not give up in the face of difficulties.

Future me, in this letter I want to tell you about the dreams I have, the aspirations for which I rise up and strive every day. When you read this letter check if you got what you wanted; if not, be smart, keep moving forward if your strength and conviction allow it, otherwise keep what you have learned. Remember that an experience only becomes a failure when we try to erase it, rejecting the time we had to learn. 

Dear me…

I don’t want to forget everything I’m feeling today and I wouldn’t want you to forget it either. This letter will serve as a reminder. I am writing to you during a happy period (you can already see that melancholy is not always, fortunately, the one that inspires my words). Do not forget your tools, everything that has allowed you to advance to where you are now, take advantage of your reserve of will, but do not abuse it because that would mean that you do something that does not satisfy you. Inhale very hard and continue: many of the clouds that cast shadows on the horizon are not real.

Do not forget that projects need time, that people need time, that work needs time, that you are  cel ui / the one that dominated your time and not the reverse, as many believe. Take control of it and give it meaning, so that it does not go by without saying anything, let time speak, that moments fill its clocks with stories.

This letter brings together the adventures you have lived, what makes you proud of yourself today, but above all what makes you special and different. What makes you unique, and I want my future me to continue like this. If you’re not and you’re not smiling right now, stop and think, what do I want and where am I going? Don’t let maturity


I want you, future me …

I want you, future me, not to forget your origin, and for that I am writing to you, remember all that you bring with you. More than thanking, appreciate who is by your side, and who travels with you. If you remember at this very moment someone who was present but whom you have lost touch with, call them, thank them for the place they occupy in your memory and in your smile.

In this letter to my future self is all my essence illuminated by my hopes and desires, my desires to continue, my will to continue learning. I don’t want them to get lost along the way: if they do, find them, we can’t allow the wind to dictate our fate.

I hope that you, my future me, have been able to grow and adapt without getting lost along the way. I want you to write another letter to my future self and consolidate the proof that there are dreams worth having: to be imagined, to be planned, to be lived, even without materializing . Screw.

Do you look for anything that makes you happy?
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