Psychology Of Art: Concept And Characteristics

The psychology of art opens the doors to another vision of art in which humans prevail. We want to reveal to you part of the key that unlocks this room. Would you like to come with us?
Psychology of art: concept and characteristics

The psychology of art is a field of psychology. Its elements of study are creation and artistic appreciation from a psychological point of view.

The goals of art psychology are similar to those pursued by other disciplines related to psychology. These disciplines are those which study the basic processes – perception, memory and emotion – and the higher functions of thought and language.

However, the goal of this discipline is not only practical, but also theoretical. This discipline tries to develop theories of creative and perceptual activity. For this, it does not dispense with the fundamental concepts and principles of scientific psychology.

The psychology of art has a link with well-being.

The psychology of art and disciplines

The psychology of art does not only understand its own fields. It also includes those studied by psychology, because they are related. So, psychobiology, evolutionary psychology, psychopathology, or personality studies are areas that include art. It is therefore a very complex discipline.

On the other hand, the psychology of art is a new field in many countries. Thus, while in English the references of the works are abundant , in French the works are less numerous and are, in most cases, texts based on psychoanalysis.

This discipline also maintains a relationship with other disciplines such as philosophy. The contribution of the latter is explained by its foundations with the understanding of aesthetic phenomena. The contribution of art history is also relevant, as works can be analyzed from a psychological point of view.

The trajectory of the psychology of art

Many psychotherapists have wanted to study and verify the healing effects of art, individually and in groups. This type of study that mixes the psychological realm with the artistic realm is known as art therapy.

Art therapy emerged decades ago through rehabilitation programs that included techniques such as writing, music, painting, etc. Despite this, integration into a hospital environment is still slow and difficult.

However, the so-called psychology of art has become popular, which is based on the development of creativity with a view to reducing stress and anxiety through learning classical artistic techniques (painting, sculpture, complementary plastic arts. ).

The contributions of this discipline have been varied. The Gestal School, Gustav Fechner, Sigmund Freud, Vygotsky and Gardner, were the main authors who played an important role in its creation.

For Vygotsky, the highest degree of civility is the expression of art and culture. And work is a means of socio-historical evolution. His doctoral thesis on the psychology of art marked a milestone in psychology. He appealed to the “unconscious” to define the essential aspect of art.

However, Vygotsky was aware that art was not a primary or physiological need, taking Abraham Maslow’s point of view into consideration. Moreover, the unconscious aspect of art was not comparable to dreamlike unconscious processes. Rather, art is a step towards the latent subconscious of the human being.

The psychology of art brings benefits.

The psychological benefits of art

It was recently discovered that the paint allows the release of dopamin – the hormone that gives the feeling of reward – and endorphins, the hormones responsible for the feeling of well-being. The body releases them, for example, when we exercise.

We know that when we finish a work of art, it gives a feeling of happiness very similar to that felt when having children. This is due to the release of cytocin.

Among the main advantages are the following:

  • Development of social skills.
  • Release from stress and anxiety.
  • Psychological well-being.
  • Behavior control.
  • Work on the subconscious as a method of knowledge.

Although the psychology of art is a recent discipline, it finds part of its origins in Vygotsky’s initial thesis. This thesis is considered a method of self-knowledge when working with the subconscious. It is also part of the different branches of psychology as an essential part of the work.

So, for example, in the context of psychological assessment, it is used to meet more specific interests of the assessor. While in art therapy workshops it is used with a free therapeutic goal or self-knowledge.

Knowing the psychology of art opens the doors to a wonderful world of expression. And this, whatever the artistic manifestation: painting, writing, etc. As Pessoa said: “Art illusorously frees us from the sordidity of being.”

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