The 7 Best Sentences That Describe The Unconscious

The 7 best phrases that describe the subconscious

The subconscious is a concept that almost everyone has mentioned at one time , but we don’t always know its true meaning  or the deep implications that come with it. It is therefore worthwhile to resort to certain sentences which describe the unconscious and which provide clarification on the subject.

We colloquially call anything we do without realizing it or irresponsibly as unconscious. However, this concept goes much further from the point of view of psychoanalysis. It is defined as a psychic structure which houses the repressed content  of consciousness  and which determines certain behaviors. The unconscious is that strange underground world that reveals itself through dreams, slip-ups or failed acts.

C e c oncept therefore broke with the rationalism  of Descartes. Although the scope of the unconscious remains controversial, we cannot deny its importance in psychic life. Here are some sentences that describe the unconscious.

1. The most  emblematic of the sentences that describe the unconscious

When we bring up this subject, we must necessarily speak of Sigmund Freud. The father of psychoanalysis took the unconscious as an object of study. Several of the sentences that describe the unconscious result from his work. Here is one of the most emblematic: ”  The interpretation of the dream  is the royal road to the knowledge of the unconscious “.

sentences that describe the unconscious

Until the advent of Freud’s theory  , most phenomena of the unconscious were not considered worthy of study. Among them, dreams. Freud, on the contrary, gave them the highest importance. He found that these messages were encrypted, thereby giving direct access to the unconscious when they were interpreted.

2. The unconscious and fate

Although Freud and Jung distanced themselves from classical psychoanalysis, Jung retained in his theory several of the central concepts. This can be seen in the following statement: “ We do not achieve enlightenment by fantasizing about the light but by making the darkness aware  What does not become conscious manifests in our lives as destiny ”.

Freud had declared that “the unconscious is fate”. It basically means that unconscious activity determines most of our actions. We organize our life in a way that obeys what the subconscious dictates.

3. The repetition

One of the aspects in which the presence of the unconscious manifests itself is the repetition of experiences. What we commonly call “tripping over the same stone several times”. An unconscious determination is present when this happens.

Here is one of the sentences that describes the unconscious in this sense: “ Everything that happens in our life is linked to the unconscious, which is, before anything else, the matrix of our representations, whether they are healthy or sickly ”.  The statement is from Gabriel Rolón, he describes the nature of this mechanism.

sentences that describe the unconscious

4. Love in the unconscious

Here is one of Erich Fromm’s sentences on the unconscious. It describes one of the mechanisms that operate in the fear of loving. He says: “ While we consciously fear that we will not be loved, the real fear, although usually unconscious, is to love ”.

This statement  presents the paradoxical result of the dynamic between the conscious and the unconscious. While the person believes their fear is due to the possibility of not getting the other’s love, they are actually afraid of loving. To incubate a feeling that reveals its fragility.

5. The language of the unconscious

This sentence allows us to appreciate a description of the unconscious in terms of communication: “ Most of our mind is unconscious. We have to learn to communicate with this mysterious part of our mind with its own language, and the symbols help us to do so ”. The statement is by Elsa Punset and refers to the fact that the language of the subconscious is encrypted. It also manifests itself through symbols. She also underlines the importance of establishing a link with this reality of our being, which has a lot to reveal to us.

6. Cultural lies

John Grinder says: ” We live in a culture that believes that most of what we do is done consciously, and yet  most of what we do, and what we do best, we do unconsciously .”

There are many messages telling us that we need to keep the circumstances under control and streamline everything. We could not, however, explain the reasons for much of our actions, simply because they are determined by the subconscious.

7. A certain sense of humor

Facundo Cabral has developed in a very particular way one of the sentences that describe the unconscious and its effects. He said, “ Don’t say I can’t even joke, because the subconscious has no sense of humor. He’ll take it seriously, and remind you every time you try! “.

Although he says it in a humorous tone, his statement is serious and fits the classic theory inherent in the matter. He speaks of the unconscious commandments, those which lead to act in such a way that a result is obtained according to these.

sentences that describe the unconscious

We still continue to discover the enigma of the unconscious today. We all live between reason, the fruit of consciousness, and the absurd, the fruit of the unconscious. Accessing this area of ​​our being is undoubtedly a fascinating adventure, which helps us to better understand who we really are.

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