The 9 Habits Of Happy People According To Jameson. L. Scott

In a chapter of his book Los 9 hábitos de la gente feliz (in French, “the 9 habits of happy people”), Jameson L. Scott wonders what happiness is, and why we seek at all costs in to reach. According to him, happiness comes in large part from the ability to give ourselves the means to meet our needs or solve the problems we see ourselves confronted with in our life.

So we seek to achieve happiness because it comes down to realizing oneself and experiencing some personal satisfaction. Everyone has their own way of achieving happiness. Read this article, and find out what rules Jameson teaches us, and which happy people follow.

First of all, this book is presented as a book which captures individual attention and which does not seek self-help. It prompts us to change from movement and not just from thought. This is why the author informs us that to continue reading this book, we will need to get out of our “comfort zone”. This will be the only way to integrate the 9 habits of happy people.


Moreover, he assures that after reading this book and following the rules in our real life, there will be no point in reading more self-help books which, on the other hand, he criticizes harshly. From the experience, he invites us to self-discovery in order to be able to do only what we need to do: live our life as the only way to be happy.

“The door to happiness opens from the inside, so you have to move back a little to open it:

if you push it, you always close it a little more. ”

– SA Kierkegaard –

Happy people:

  • Socialize without seeking the approval of anyone: happy people know that to be happy they must have integrity and not be what others want them to be. They know that if they do, it then gives others power over them, which will allow them to guide their lives. A happy person
  • Have self-esteem: happy people take care of themselves, give each other affection, strengthen themselves. They do not victimize, or insult or reject themselves. In addition, they know what they are capable of, and try to achieve things that are within their reach.
  • Accept the circumstances and pursue what they want: this category of people knows the difference between conformism and acceptance, believes in change and struggles before giving up. In addition, happy people are constantly improving, enjoying life and making the most of it.
  • Connect with the present: this is one of the fundamental habits of happy people. It is about living in the present moment and leaving aside the past and the future. This is why happy people devote a few minutes a day to meditation, and thus manage to think only of what they are doing, without being disturbed by thoughts relating to their past or their future.
  • Do things they fear and want: they see opportunities as challenges that can help them overcome their fears. They know their fears and take action to face them. We are talking to you here about people who have fears, like you and me, but who do not back down from them, and who even manage to make room for them in their life, seeing them as sources of motivation.

“To be stupid, selfish and in good health, I have here the three conditions necessary to be happy.”

But if you miss the first one, you will be lost. ”

– Gustave Flaubert –

In addition, happy people:

  • Learn from everything around them: they recognize failure and fail better and better until they achieve success. They are aware that in order to learn, they must act, and gain strength and confidence.
  • Rest properly: they sleep more than six hours and less than eight, rest without technology, etc.
  • Eat a balanced diet and exercise: they see the connection with their body as a fundamental communication channel for their well-being, so they pay attention to it and take care of it.
  • Have a correct physical posture and breathing: happy people understand that there are certain postures that limit our actions as well as what we communicate. Finally, they value breathing and the way they get air into their body.

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