The Cart Of Emotions

The cart of emotions

A little girl was walking with her father along a path when he stopped on a bend.
After a short moment of silence, he asked her:
-In addition to the birdsong, do you hear anything else?

The child listened more attentively and after a few seconds answered him:
– I hear the sound of an approaching cart.
– That’s it, said his father, it’s an empty cart approaching.

The astonished little girl replied:
– How do you know it’s an empty cart if we haven’t seen it yet? 

Then he said:
– It is very easy to know when a cart is empty. Thanks to its noise. The more empty the cart, the more noise it makes.

The little girl grew into an adult and even today, when she sees one person talking too much, interrupting everyone’s conversation, believing herself to be all-powerful and putting others down, she feels like she hears her father’s voice say : “The more empty the cart, the more noise it makes”.

(Folk tale)

Now try to visualize this cart.

We could assume that the more empty the cart, the more sumptuous it is and the more pleasing its design.

You can imagine it with lots of rattling bells, very showy colors, perfectly clean, without a bit of dust or a splash of mud. Exactly as if her primary role or the reason she was created had been forgotten.

For humans, the reasoning is the same. The more empty people are inside, the more their presence sounds, as if bells ringing in the distance.

People whose soul is empty, who have no inner wealth, fill these gaps with empty speeches, surround themselves with precious objects, waste their time on banalities, because they hope to acquire and feel a certain inner value.

They warn whoever wants to hear it of their arrival, like a cavalry regiment, because their greatest fear is that they will not be noticed.

Sometimes their cart is so empty that they decide to fill it, at the expense of yours. Be careful, these small attacks on your energy are very subtle, but can end up seriously deteriorating your cargo.

Protect yourself from those people who make too much noise. Learn to identify them. Like the father of the tale, recognize them by the noise they make. Balance is essential.

Starting from the assumption that we don’t want to be “empty” people, we must therefore decide what we want to include in our cart. But, be careful, because if we fill it too much, the weight may break it.

How you want to fill your cart is up to you, but remember that success is in the harmony of a whole.



Don’t carry too many things in this cart, remember to save space. Take only the right and necessary emotions. Because in the balance lies well-being.

Think especially of love, joy, sadness, surprise and pain, because “basic” emotions are essential. They cannot live without each other. So, if you want to develop one in particular, it is necessary to include the other four.

– Love to be tall

– Joy to be able to share it

– Sadness to appreciate joy

– The surprise to rejoice

– The pain to get up and move forward

These essential emotions weigh heavily, so your cart will make much less noise.

Be careful not to include emotions that reach your energy, such as jealousy or resentment, as their presence will tarnish the authenticity of true emotions.

If you want to lighten your cart, do not hesitate to get rid of these harmful emotions.

The most important emotion of all is to always  choose humility, because it is the element that differentiates a full cart from an empty and noisy cart. Never let pride reach your cart, for humility builds, and pride destroys.

Don’t bring 15 friends on board, choose a friend worth 20 instead. Someone by your side, who helps you and with whom you want to share these emotions of love, joy and surprise, and who reaches out to you when you are sad and in pain. Don’t waste your space unnecessarily.

Drop the trophies and medals you have won. Free yourself from it. Remember that it is only excess weight that can cause the cart to stagger and even derail it.

Real successes in life lie in the heart, so  get rid of those tin cups.

Thus, your cart will be as complete as possible. And, by being so quiet, you might just create a mysterious halo, and passers-by, puzzled, will want to come up and see what you’re carrying, no matter what treasure you’re hiding.

Letting them discover your secrets is true humility. Paradoxically, your cart will be the most beautiful of all.

Do not live so that your presence is noticed, but so that your absence is felt”

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